
The moment the elevator door opens, I go straight to my room. I need sleep and some time to get over this fucking headache. I can’t believe sitting in silence managed to make it worse.

The time we spent at the restaurant was dull. Outings with the the entire team are usually a lot more fun but it was clear that most of us weren’t up for hanging out, after we got there. The ride to BJ’s was silent, the hour and a half we spent there was quiet, and the ride back to the hotel was silent as well. It was the worst outing I’ve had in a long time. It’s on a whole other level of terrible; not trapped in a store or forced to climb onto a ledge terrible, either, it was way worse than both of those.

I just want this day to end so we can move on to the rest of the tour. San Fran proved to be more dramatic than we ever thought it would be. I can't wait to leave. I wouldn’t be lying if I said that I never want to spend another week in this city again. The city itself isn’t bad, in fact it’s lovely, but it’s boring. There aren’t many things to see and there are too many people that might recognize us. It’s just not an ideal place to be for our little vacations.

Thinking about the city is making my headache worse. I take a few aspirin and try to go to sleep; if I sleep, I might just be able to forget about everything that’s happened this week. I’d love to forget for a while.


“Louis. Louis!” Paul yells, waking me up.

I open my eyes and try to grasp what’s happening. It’s dark outside. Why is he waking me up? Is it morning already? There’s no way it could be, I don’t feel like I’ve been out that long.

“Louis, come on, get up. You’re going to make everyone late Ed’s show if you keep sleeping.”

What is he talking about?

“Louis, I don’t have time for this. Get up.”

“Why?” I ask, my voice tired and raspy.

“Have you heard anything I’ve said to you at all?"

“Not really, I’m still kind of waking up.”

“I told you to get up so I can take you and the boys to Ed’s show.”

Ed’s show? Ed’s show, right. Wait, Cassie’s going to be there.

“Take them without me,” I say, rolling over on the bed.

“Why would I do that? Weren’t you excited for this a few days ago?”

I was excited to hear Ed’s new songs for the first time, I’m not going to lie, but Cassie being there is going to mess everything up. I’d rather sleep than be around her right now.

“Yes but there will be more shows and I’d rather get the sleep.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Tell the guys to have fun without me.”

Paul doesn’t say another word, leaving me alone in my room. Now that he’s gone, I can get some more sleep.

Cassie’s POV

Harry brought me back to my house around 1:40 in the afternoon. He was in a hurry after Liam came to the room. Louis dropped by Harry’s room to for a little over a minute to tell me goodbye; it was weird.

I called my cousin, Brittany, when I got home. I told her about everything that happened with Christian. She told me not to worry about him because "guys like him are always trying to act like nothing affects them. They will say and do whatever they have to, to seem tough. Most of the time they are overcompensating due to how vulnerable they feel. He’s harmless right now, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” I know she’s right but that doesn’t change anything; Christian threatened me, vulnerable or not, a threat is a threat, and I’ve got a reason to worry.

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