Chapter 6: 5th Test x Fight x Love

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Chapter 6: 5th Test x Fight x Love

A/N: The 4th test has been skipped because I want. XD No, but seriously, it's not part of the story.

Thank you to RingRoundRosie for your helpful comment! :)


After the 3rd and 4th test, we went in the airship going towards the fifth and last phase of the exam. And since there were only a handful of participants left, I just stayed with them, upon the topic of whatever the fifth exam would be like. As Leorio said, the older, the wiser, but I actually don't believe that just because they have lived longer. So this old guy started explaining what the previous tests have tested us, like the first was about our energy or endurance and something like that, so he concluded that the last test would be a written test, to test out intelligence. After hearing about his proposal, Leorio, ninja guy, and some guy named Pokkle went to the library and started studying. Like what the fuck, it ain't even final, plus there are no official announcements, yet they believed in some old guy who is believed to be "wise." But being wise and being intelligent is completely different, I believe so.

After a few minutes, the speaker started speaking (oh, and I'm not doing the fishy fish thing again) with the sound of a voice, I forgot who or mabe I just don't really know. Plus, how could a speaker speak? It only produces sound from a human source speaking.

"Attention! Your number will be called randomly, and if you're called, please proceed to the chairman's office."

So numbers were called every 30 minutes or so. By the time it was my turn, I proceeded to Netero-san's office, sat down on a cushion, and he started to ask me questions.

"First, who do you find interesting in the exam and why?"

My answer: Well... I think it is Gon. Because he always finds solutions to almost every problem being faced. He's a unique kid.

"Mhmm... OK! Next, who do you want to battle againts and why?

My answer: Well... I actually don't have any intention on having to battle someone, but if it's OK, I would want to battle anyone.

"Sure! That would be all! You're dismissed!"

So it ended, I was disappointed because it went actually fast and I've expected something more worth than answering his questions. And when I went out of the room, I saw Killua leaning on the wall, asking what the chairman told me. I told him that it is none of his business and it wasn't special, but he insisted, so I told him. That made him suspicious as to who I found interesting. When I told him that I found Gon interesting, he just said "OK" and walked away. Weird.


When we finally reached the exam site, I knew it wasn't an intelligence test. Too bad for the ones who "studied."

"Based on my survey from all of you, I came up with a plan!" Netero-san said and removed the paper which was stuck at the bottom of a battle plan, revealing our faces. So we were going to do a one on one battle. But the rules are incredibly different from what we all know.

"The rules are simple, you're going to battle each other without killing them. Killing your oppenent would automatically disqualify you. And we will only have one loser in which he or she would be on the top of the plan. So the rest are winners! All you need to do is win once and you are a hunter! But if you lose, you will climb up the plan and battle whoever opponent has lost until you win or reach the top." The thing is, how will someone be declared a winner? By knock-out? Points? I raised my hand to ask.

"You will have to force your opponent to give up. You can take days to fight unless one gives up! No time limit!" sounds simple yet complex at the same time. How will I force my oppent to give up?

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