Chapter 5: 3rd Test x Easy x Suspicious

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Chapter 5: 3rd Test x Easy x Suspicious

A/N: I was suppose to update this yesterday but I forgot XD



After that freakishly weird dream, I felt the rays of the sun flashing unto my face. I opened my eyes and saw Killua's face. Apparently I was lying on his legs, and I'm guessing he placed me there... But anyways, I stared at him for a while, at how the sun was making his face even brighter than his skin tone (LOL, OK, that made me laugh), and how his physique is rather dashing... I stared at him until he stared back at me, which made him blush. At that time I didn't get why he had to blush and look away hastely, because, I mean, I was just staring.

He changed the subject, saying that that was the venue of the next exam, so I sat up, and adjusted my sight so I could see the venue. Apparently it's was a tall cylinder-like tower. I dropped my mouth in amazement when I saw its beautiful structure. Well, it does look plain, like there are no windows and such, but it is tall and big! That's what amazed me.

As we landed on top of the tower, Netero-san explained our goal in this tower. He said "All you have to do is to go to the ground floor of this tower within the time slot! Have fun and bye!" then he went back in the airship and it flew away. I actually forgot how long it took, but yea let's just say we had to get down as soon as possible.

So about an hour passed and we were all thinking how to get down. Because there were no stairs or doors on top!! Some thought of climbing down, but it is really high and they couldn't do it since they might fall to their death. But one show-off person showed-off that he was a freaking rock climber show-off and that him showing-off his "talent" is will make him pass in no showing-off time. And I purposely said "show-off" many of times. (It's just like the fishy fish all over again!) Plus I don't even think that the phrase 'in no showing-off time' is in correct grammar. But anyways, I just did it on purpose and this is my P.O.V. so I could do anything in it.

BUT back to the story (I'm sorry that I'm talkative at times), when he tried climbing down a few steps, we all watched from above (oh well, obviously! As if we are watching from below), but he was soon eaten by giant flying monsters. That made a sign to all contestants not to try and even climb down. But that didn't stop me.

I then told everyone, not in a show-off way, that I was gonna pass. How? I grinned and fell backwards down to my death. Oh please, I wouldn't do that. Plus if I did, who would write this? Unless someone who knew my every move and wrote this in my point of view, or they could have used third person― gaah, here I am being talkative again!

OK, so I started falling, and the giant flying monsters started to appear. I brought out my sword and just sliced them in half, continuing my way down. As I was close to the ground, I hammered my sword to the wall, hanging from its handle so that I wouldn't have a hard impact once I touched the ground. I removed my sword from the wall and landed on the ground with a lighter impact than I was falling continuously.

I shouted at the top of my lungs, loud enough so they could hear me (hopefully) that I am safe and sound. A loud speaker then produced a voice of a person, saying that I was the first to pass the exam in an hour and 15 minutes, and it ended. I had to wait for days! DAYS. Days for them to finish the phase!! And I swear I almost exploded out of anger because I was fucking bored.


—Killua's P.O.V.—

I thought she was gonna die!!! My heart was pumping fast and sweat drops dropped droppingly. (lol, wut?) I shouted my anger and frustration when she started falling, but good thing Gon was there to calm my nerves.

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