"Of course, professor," Hermione smiled kindly.

Snape pressed his lips in a thin line. That was probably the closest to a smile she would get. He swung open the portrait and allowed the four in.

The room has cream colored walls with a silver and gold stitching embroided in an elegant pattern. The floor was a carmel colored oak with a glossy wax coating. In the center of the room was a dark colored coffee table. The center was of a blue colored glass with the legs and under rack the dark color. A white leather couch was on the West and East side of the table. The North side had a plastic black chair and the South side was open.

A white rug lied under neath the table and against the edges of the seating. To the East side of the coffee table was a large fireplace. It was lit and had red, orange, and yellow flames dancing about in the pit. Four armchairs, all the same white leather, surrounded it. To the right of the fireplace was a largish opening to a small kitchen. The West wall had a large window that overlooked the grounds and had a clear view of the Quidditch Pitch. A large window seat that could fit at least two rested underneath the glass window.

Straight back to the North wall, across from the entrance, was a staircase leading up. The South wall, with the entrance, had bookshelves on either side of the entrance. The sheleves were all filled with both magical and muggle books. Hermione climbed the stairs and came to two doors. Both were a deep colored oak and stood out against the white walls.

She pushed open the left one to reveal a room of a deep emerald green and silver. Two four poster beds stood tall in the room. Each bed had a dark colored, five drawer dresser. There were two desk with three ink pots on each and a vase filled with different types of quills. There was also a door to the left of the room which Hermione assumed led to Blaise and Draco's private bathroom.

She poked her head back out of the room and opened the right door. The layout of the room was slightly different. The room was in more of a circlular shape. Two red and gold four poster beds stood against the walls, each ajoined with a five drawer dresser. Instead of two private desks there was a long table with two seats and a bookshelf above it. It had ink jars and quills as well as a stack of parchment.

There was a door to the right of the room, almost in the same spot as the Slytherin room had been. Hermione opened it to see a large bathroom. It had a two person vanity complete with two sinks and small holders for toothbrush, hair supplies, and makeup. There was a huge tub almost the size of the one know the prefects bathroom. It even had the different taps and scents.

"This is amazing!" Ginny breathed joining Hermione.

"Yeah, I know," Hermione nodded turning towards the large mirror. She scowled upon seeing her reflection. "I really need to cut this."

"We can do that tomorrow. Right now I want to sleep. Those beds look amazing!" Ginny gushed.

"A good nights sleep would be great. I haven't gotten that in awhile," Hermione agreed exiting the bathroom and shutting the door.

Ginny changed into a red spaghetti strapped tank top and sweatpants while Hermione settled for a long baggy black shirt and pink sleep shorts. The each sat on their respective bed and turned to face each other.

Ginny opened her mouth to speak, but thought better of it and closed it again. She glanced at the door momentarily begore making up her mind. She sent a silence and locking charm towards it before turning back to Hermione.

"You wouldn't speak to us about your brother," She said softly.

"Hm? Oh, I'm sure Hunter's fine," Hermione waved her hand dismissively. "He's wanted to be the mediwizard here ever since I came back after first year."

"Well, I didn't exactly mean Hunter," Ginny said prodding the subject as carefully as she could. "I meant your twin. You spoke to him on the train but . . ."

"But I lost contact before I could get a name, big whoop," Hermione grumbled.

"So Hunter!" Ginny said happily, changing the subject, "He's alright then?"

"I'm sure. Like I said, this is his dream job. Probably sucks that you're here, though," Hermione smirked.

"What? Why?"

"Please, like you're not going to injure yourself on purpose just to see him," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"He's cute!" Ginny defended.

Hermione rolled her eyes again and threw a pillow at Ginny, laughing. Maybe she should just forget about her brother for now and focus on the smaller things in life. Like her amazing friend sitting in front of her, who had basically volunteered herself to be teased just so Hermione wouldn't be upset.

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