Chapter 14

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Sierra p.o.v

The rain began to calm down as we reached the penthouse. We collected some snacks and Chinese food.

"I'll go get plates and cutlery for the the Chinese, you go pick a movie." I order Nate. He looks at me and then shakes his head.

"Sierra." He says with a stern voice, " I'm running this date. Go and pick a movie while I sort the food out." He points towards the door and as I begin to leave I lightly brush past him, my hand touching his pants. His eyes darken and he picks me up in one quick move. He places me on the counter as he kisses every inch of my upper body. He trails his tongue along my jaw causing an unexplainable sound to escape my lips.

He smirks into my lips as he deepens the kiss and begins exploring my mouth. I feel something poke me which makes me giggle slightly.

I slowly pull away and Nate sighs. "The foods gonna get cold." I laugh. But he only holds me tighter. He buries his head into the crook of my neck.


I eventually left Nate preparing the food and went into the movie room to pick the film. I decide on watching Nerve.

Nate comes in a while later just as the adverts are finishing, with our food. The movie begins and we settle on the sofa,eating.

After an hour, I've taken the plates out and returned to the movie.

"Stop eating all the snacks." I yell, throwing a bit of popcorn at Nate. It's almost hits him but he opens his mouth and catches it. Smooth.

"Don't throw food around like a child Sierra." Nate rolls his eyes at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I say crawling onto his lap.

"Or what?" He edges closer to my ear and whispers lowly.

I feel my legs turn to jelly and my heart rate pick up rapidly. I stutter over my words not being able to form a sentence.

He laughs at my nervousness before placing his lips on mine. He kisses me gently moving very slowly. I try to deepen the kiss but Nate prevents me from doing so.

He's definitely trying to get me back for teasing him earlier. I pull away, returning to my seat to watch the ending of the movie.

My eyes begin to water at the part where 'Venus gets shot and Ian is crying but then she gets up and they realise it's fake.' Nate quickly wipes away the tears in a panic motion.

"What wrong love do you not like the movie?" He asks quickly.

I chuckle laughing at my hormones for making me this sensitive.
"It's just the ending of this movie is so happy& sad at the same time. I don't know how to feel. Fucking hormones." I curse.

Nate laughs at my sensitivity and then turns the tv off as the end credits come on.

"I can't believe we have to go back to Seattle tomorrow." Nate pouts, sticking his bottom lip out like a child.

"We have work to do, the business falls apart without you and Alex." I laughed.

He gave me a small smirk until he heard his phone ringing. I couldn't hear the conversation but from Nates expression it wasn't a good thing.

I resulted in heading upstairs to my room, to shower and change ready for bed. I still needed to pack but luckily we were on the late flight home.

After an hour, I finally settle into bed but am invaded by some huge beast.

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