Chapter 10

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2 hours later.

I walk into the conference room, where I take my seat on the far left side. I'm 5 minutes early so no one has arrived yet.

I sit patiently, until I hear footsteps and mumbled voices edging closer. The door swings open exposing a bunch of men.

They range from 20-60 years old. I received strange looks from many of them. Most of them look as though they're undressing me with their eyes.

The last to walk in is Nate.

A young man with dark, blonde hair takes a seat next to me. He flashes his white teeth at me.

"Is this seat taken beautiful?" He asks in a low voice. His voice is deep but not as deep as Nates.

"Yes it is actually. Move." I hear a familiar voice say. I look round to see Nate glaring at this man.

He takes a seat next to me and proceeds with the meeting.

2 hours.
2 long hours that meeting went on for. All I had to do was take notes on everything that was being said.

Nate was the biggest distraction. The man who wanted to sit with me, winked at me half way through. Nate growled at him, before placing his hand on my thigh and whispering "mine."

I tried to keep my cool and continue to make notes but every now and then he'd tighten his grip making me take a sharp inhale of air.

I tried to act like I was unphased but the blush that was creeping up my neck was a huge giveaway.

As we all exit, I stand beside Nate as everyone leaves.

"Good seeing you again Mr Kingston."  The blonde guy shakes his hand before turning to me. "And you gorgeous." He places his hand on my cheek and winks at me Again.

"Know your fucking place Landon."  Nate orders.

I can finally put a name to his face.

It seems like there's a bit of tension between the two as we both leave the office.

I head back to my office but am stopped by a familiar figure blocking my way.

"Nate." I say in a low voice so no one else can hear us.

"Sierra."  He replies mocking my tone.

"You're not funny." I giggle, slapping his arm.

"Finish up and then come to my office." He orders.

I nod my head and he steps out of my way. As I enter I feel a slap across my ass. I turn back to see him smirking.

"I'll get you back." I warn but he just chuckles.

"We'll see." He says winking at me.

An hour later and I'm finally finished.
Finally time to go home.

I lock my door and walk towards Nates office.

I knock loudly.
No reply.

I try again and still there's no reply. I slowly open the door to see him hunched over, head on the desk.

I walk towards him and his soft snores fill my ears. He looks so peaceful.

I think about getting him back and how good revenge will be. I step away and start shouting.

"Nate wake up the office is on fire." I scream.

He jumps up running towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asks panicked. I look him in the eye trying to contain my laughter.

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