Happy Birthday

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Once he was arrested Smith couldn't stop confessing to anything and everything he could think of. Honestly, it was hard to keep track of what he did and what he didn't, but he was behind bars and that's what mattered. It had been about a few days and Sherlock was allowed to come home, well he wasn't allowed to come home so much as he left the hospital. But either way, he and I were both home and John, Molly, and I had set up shifts to watch both Sherlock and Rosie. Mostly to make sure that Sherlock didn't use again. John was getting ready to leave, while Sherlock was sitting in his chair, holding a mug with both hands, in his dark blue dressing gown. While he still hasn't shaven he at least looks much clearer than he did at the hospital. The room has also been cleaned up, thanks to the help of Mrs. Hudson. All of the photos and evidence of Smith is gone and the fire is lit.

"Of course, I hadn't really anticipated that I'd hallucinated meeting his daughter."

"Yeah, we are gonna need to talk about that." I cross my arms.


"Uhh... you took someone else on a date, which is more then you've ever done with me."

"Oh, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight."

I shake my head. "Can you even walk straight right now?"

"Still a bit troubled by the daughter. Did seem very real, and she gave me the information I couldn't have acquired elsewhere."

John lifts his eyes to Sherlock, whose left eye is still bloodshot, though not as bad as it was in the hospital, and the skin underneath is swollen. "But she wasn't ever here?"

"Interesting, isn't it? I have theorised before that if one could attenuate to every available data stream in the world simultaneously, it would be possible to anticipate and deduce almost anything."

"Hm. So you dreamed up a magic woman who told you things you didn't know."

"Perhaps the drugs opened certain doors in my mind. I'm intrigued."

"Oh, I know you are."

I nod. "We both do."

"Which is why we're all taking it in turns to keep you off the sweeties."

"I thought we were just hanging out." Sherlock looks over to John.

"Madison can take over my last twenty minutes?"

Sherlock sighs. "I can last twenty minutes."

I look over to him. "Well, you won't have to, since I'm here. But John, please stay, even if for a little while longer."

John nods. "Uh, sorry, it's just, um, you know, Rosie."

"Yes, of course."

John looks at Sherlock. "You'll be okay for twenty minutes?"

"Yes. Yes! Sorry, I wasn't thinking of Rosie."

"No problem."

"I should, uh, come and see her soon. She's seen so much of the girls lately, I doubt she even knows who I am many more."


I smile softly and hear the faint voice of a woman, the same voice I had heard when Mycroft was there. "Get him to stay. Find a case for the three of you and make him wear the hat."

John turns back from the door, Sherlock lowers his head, looking very lonely, "Oh, by the way, the recordings will probably be inadmissible."

"Sorry what?"

"Well, technically, it's entrapment so it might get thrown out as evidence. Not that that matters; apparently he can't stop confessing."

"That's good."

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