16- Sleepover. M*😈

Start from the beginning

The front door opened and closed, making my head lift and after what felt like ages, Cody walked in, wearing his uniform.

The sight made my blood heat and my bottom lip to suck in between my teeth. He had the sleeves rolled back exposing his tanned skin, his boots shone and he always looked impeccable.

I smiled to myself because this handsome stud... He was mine.

"Hey babe." I beam.

I'm glad he's home, although he hasn't been at work long according to the clock, it had felt like a long time in my mind and I wanted nothing more than to drag his ass back to bed. We've never got past the new couple stage, fuelled with energy and an undying need for sex. We were both healthy newly engaged adults who loved each other, so there was no reason why we couldn't waste a whole afternoon in bed, only getting up for food or water.

"Babe?" I question as he looks at the floor full of paint swatches with pain. "Are yo– Cody are you okay?" I worry.

He shakes his head and falls into the chair by the door. The one I've used to pin the door back whilst the white gloss paint dries.

"Well what's wrong? Is it family? Work? Money?"

"Work.." He settles before looking at me with those same eyes..

"No... No please." I whisper knowing exactly where this conversation is leading.

"I'm so sorry Lamb." He whispers as he drops his head.

"W-when?" I croak.

"Soon. Real soon."

"Well.. How long for?"

He looks up and shrugs. "At least 9 months."

"9? But what if...."

"It makes no difference." He answers guiltily.

Of course it doesn't.. Why would it? When the country is at stake?

I look around the planned nursery, the one that was going to be our reminder to love each other forever. For us to carve a small space out of the word for our child.

"They need me..."

I resist the urge to tell him that I need him too, because he already knows. He doesn't need me burdening him down.

"I know. It's just a shock, that's all." I reply making him nod.

"Leah, I want us to wait, until I get back.. I don't want to... Whilst I'm over there and you're here. I want to watch you grow our baby. I want to be here when you crave something in the middle of the night. I want to rub your feet and back after a hard day, run you a bath and wait in your, hand on foot. I want to be at very appointment and class. I want.. I want to be there when you go into labour."

I nod wiping the tears that welled up. "Then we will."

"I'm so sorry."

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