"I'm sorry, can I take over?" Taehyung spoke up.

Yoongi nodded and moved a still sobbing Jungkook into Taehyung's arms.

Taehyung pressed soft kisses to Jungkook soaked cheeks and shushed the boy, pulling him in a warmer and tighter embrace while Jungkook was shaking from crying so much.

"Jungkook, I love you so much."

"I-I love you too, Tae. You know that, right?"

"I do. Also.. what I'm about to say isn't going to make things any better, but I have to get this off my chest. And I want you all to hear it."

Murmurs of a quiet "okay" went around the room, from everyone other than Taehyung.

"Jungkook, do you remember the really big fight we had in the very beginning? When I snapped at you?"

Jungkook nodded.

"I remember feeling so guilty and ashamed because I lashed out at you. A-And I haven't told anyone this, but I thought about committing. Because I thought I was a really shitty person and I didn't deserve someone like you."

Surprisedly enough, that statement stopped most of Jungkook's tears. Taehyung confessed his truth with everyone in the room and they were all in shock. They had no idea what the two of them have really gone through.

Jimin probably looked the saddest, hearing this news. He knew about Taehyung's condition, but he didn't know it was that bad. He remembered how he was using Taehyung's sadness that night as a play to get Taehyung to like him instead of Jungkook and he felt extremely bad for doing so. He took advantage of his best friend over a crush.

"You saved me, Jungkook. You messaged me that night and I didn't think about it anymore. I didn't do it. And I'm doing much better now, though. Because you've given me the best gift, the best reward. Purpose. And I-I just wanted you to know that I'll be forever grateful for what Yoongi did to give us a headstart, but the real reason things flourished was because you were too hard to let go. You're really special, Jungkook. You influence more people than you may think."

Jungkook wasn't crying anymore, but he sure felt different. Ironically enough, he felt indifferent.

He now knew about how Yoongi brought them together in the very first place. He now knew about Taehyung's depression. He now knows he was a main reason for stopping Taehyung from doing something really bad, which was also Yoongi's main doing since he told him what to do about the situation.

All he could do was stare blankly at the wall.

"Jungkook?" Everyone in the room was now worriedly asking about Jungkook. They were all concerned with how he wasn't talking or crying or even looking at any of them. It was a haunting sight.

Jungkook couldn't speak.

He could only think.

He was going to love Taehyung with all he could. To make sure he never reached that dark place again.

He's going to help Yoongi find his love, too. Even if it was with two guys instead of one. He's going to appreciate and take care of Yoongi so much more.

He was going to appreciate Seokjin and take care of the man that initially decided to take him in in the first place. He's been neglecting him as well.

He was somehow going to fit Hoseok and Jimin into this circle of happiness and make sure he can always be there to listen to them and care for them.

He's going to have a much better attitude towards the people he loves.

He's going to make sure he's the positive influence in all of their lives.

Even if that means sacrificing his own happiness.


okay I KNOW that got a little angsty but shit I missed writing some deep stuff :((


so how am I supposed to sit here and pretend like yoonminseok isn't one of the cutest things to exist??

so how am I supposed to sit here and pretend like yoonminseok isn't one of the cutest things to exist??

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