Chapter 15: rewards

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After they got back to the school, Caleb and JJ showed Autumn the pictures they got of all the stuff they took pictures of (computer screen, whiteboard, the girl).

"Steroids!" Autumn exclaimed. "My goodness. And look at that football and softball strategy! We couldn't be able to do that without the strength of five mountain gorillas! More than likely, that was what the steroids were for. And look what they did to that poor girl. This is all the proof we need for shutting that school down and ending their little cheating streak. Thanks, guys."

"Well, then," Tyler started, "can we have our rewards?"

"Of course," Autumn said. "Alizay, come with me."

Confused, Alizay followed Autumn. They went to Autumn's office.

"Sit down," Autumn told Alizay. Alizay did as she was told.

"Am I in trouble?" Alizay asked nervously.

"Oh, no," Autumn said assuringly. "You're not in any trouble. I'm just rewarding you and your allies. Not only are you getting your transgressions removed and fifty points per class, but you also get access to the teacher's lounge during lunch time for the rest of your high school career. You can bring Wyatt if you want to."

"Oh, my gosh!" Alizay exclaimed. "Thank you, Mrs. Caldwell!"

"You're welcome, Alizay," Autumn said. "Now tell Caleb to come on in here."

Alizay went to the cafeteria and told Caleb to meet Autumn in the office. Caleb went inside the office and sat down.

"Wassup?" he asked.

"I'm giving you an additional reward," Autumn answered.


"That's right."

"What is it?"

"Caleb!" Tyler yelled out. He came into the office. "You forgot your jacket."

Tyler gave Caleb his leather jacket.

"Thanks, Tyler," Caleb said.

"No problem," Tyler said as he left.

"Anyway," Autumn continued, "not only do you get your transgressions removed and your fifty points per class, but you also get your remaining ISIs removed."

"All eighteen of them?" Caleb asked, shocked and excited at the same time.

"All eighteen of them," she said.

"Yes!" Caleb hollered. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, Caleb," Autumn said. "Now tell Maralyssa to come."

Caleb did as he was told, and Maralyssa was sitting in front of Autumn.

"What's going on?" Maralyssa asked.

"What's going on is that you are getting another reward," Autumn answered.

"Oh, yeah," Maralyssa said. "You'll be giving me not only a clean permanent record and fifty points in each class, but you'll also be giving me my own room to practice voodoo."

"Ok, that's creepy," Autumn said.

"But the spirits told me right, correct?" Maralyssa asked.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Autumn said, feeling very unnerved.

"I'll go tell Tyler and Adam to come here," Maralyssa said.

"Um, ok," Autumn said, still feeling fairly unnerved.

Three minutes later, Adam and Tyler were sitting in front of Autumn.

"So, you wanted to see us?" Tyler said.

"Yes, I did," Autumn said. "You see, I'm adding a reward on top of what I already promised."

"And that would be...?" Tyler asked excitedly.

"Well, for you," Autumn started, "you get a concealed Jr. weapons license, so you can bring your slingshot to school. However, you must promise me that you'll only use it for self defense, and not just for your own sick pleasure."

"I swear on my life and on his life that I'll only use it for self defense," Tyler promised.

"Good," Autumn said. "Now, for you, Adam, you get your own blood fountain."

Adam howled and wagged his tail with happiness.

"I'll send it to your home," Autumn said. "Now tell JJ to come in here."

They did as they were told, and JJ was now sitting in front of her desk.

"I'm still getting my points and clean permanent record, right?" he asked.

"Of course," Autumn assured him. "What I'm gonna do is give you an additional reward. I'm gonna give you an advanced book of Fire voodoo."

"Wow!" JJ exclaimed. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome," Autumn said. "Now, go home, you crazy kids!"

JJ went to tell the others. They then left the school and went to walk home. Before they parted ways, JJ pulled something up on his phone and asked Alizay, "Can I play this song?"

Alizay saw the song he was wanting to play (Heathens).

"No, JJ!" Alizay exclaimed. "This is NOT Suicide Squad! This is NOT a movie! Gosh..."

JJ pulled up another song (Pumped up Kicks) and showed her.

"Fine," Alizay said. "Go for it."

S0, he turned it on as they jammed to it all the way home.

The end! If you liked it, awesome. If not, I'm not one to care.
If you think I should write a sequel, lemme know in the comments. Until then, I'll be writing more books!
Anyway, good day,
-Death Bird of Ring

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