Chapter 6: the case of the missing child

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"Yo, JJ," Caleb said.

"What?" JJ said back.

"You finding anything?" Caleb asked.

"Nah," JJ answered. "Just a bunch of boring classrooms and lockers everywhere. Ooh, there's a gym!"

"Well, what are we waiting for, then?" Caleb said excitedly. "Let's go!"

They then went inside the gym.

The gym was surprisingly big, with bleachers and basketball hoops on each side of the gym (like a gym should be). To the boys' left was the girls locker room, and to their right, the boys locker room. They went for the girls locker room (like you didn't see that coming).

However, upon reaching the door, it turned out to be a keycard door.

"Dang it," JJ said. "How are we supposed to get in, now?"

"Well, there's the ceiling tiles," Caleb said as he pointed to the ceiling (which, yes, had ceiling tiles).

"Oh, right," JJ whispered. "Gimme a boost, will ya?"

Caleb gave JJ a boost, and JJ pulled him up when he was in the ceiling.

They crawled until they were above the area just on the other side of the door. Then they got out of the ceiling.

They looked around the very spacious room and saw several showers (which were very clean), enough bathroom stalls (which were also clean), about eight benches, and a bunch of lil lockers.

Caleb opened one and saw a pretty large brassiere. He read the back, which said "H44, XXL."

"JJ, check this out," he said to JJ.

"Oh, boy!" JJ whispered. "Is that a girl's bra?"

"I think so," Caleb whispered.

JJ also found some cosmo magazines. Some of them said stuff like "How to turn him on, pg. 22," while some said stuff like "Is he a cheater? Find out with the quiz on pg. 12." JJ also found some "Playgirl" magazines. Caleb looked around and found a "Playboy" magazine, a yearbook, some underpants, and another brassiere.

"Wanna look at the yearbook?" Caleb asked.

"Sure," JJ said.

They sat at a bench and opened up the yearbook. They read the 9th-10th grade sections. In the 9th grade section, they came upon an unusual sight: one of the pictures had nothing there but the blue background. They looked at the names and saw a name for that blank space: Kayla Darnell.

"That's kind of unnerving," JJ whispered.

"Let's see if anyone else is missing from their pictures," Caleb said.

They looked at every other picture in the yearbook, and none of them were missing a person.

"Well, then," Caleb said. "Wanna explore the boys locker room?"

"Ok," JJ said.

They kept the yearbook and the playboy as they crawled in the ceiling and jumped out into the gym. They then approached the boys locker room door. It, surprisingly, didn't have a keycard lock. It did, however, have a key lock.

"Leave this to me," JJ said as he pulled out his spell book. He stopped at a page and looked at it for a few minutes. Then, he looked at the door and muttered something in Latin. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Whoa!" Caleb exclaimed.

"What?" JJ said. "You didn't think I was just a hothead, did ya?"

JJ and Caleb chuckled a little before they entered the locker room.

It looked different from the girls locker room. The basic setup was the same, but that was about it. It was a lot dirtier than the girls locker room, and a lot less organized. There were graffitis on the wall, and some of them were gangster graffitis. Some of the lockers were knocked over, and one of the lockers were missing. The showers were very moldy, and cockroaches were crawling all over the place. And don't get me started on the blackish mud all over the bathroom stalls. (I hope it was mud.)

The boys looked around in disgust.

"Ugh, our locker room back home isn't this bad," Caleb said, trying not to get sick.

"Yep," JJ managed to choke out before he threw up.

They immediately left the locker room after that. They walked to the other side of the gym to find an unidentified door.

"What do you think?" Caleb asked JJ.

"Well," JJ started, "there doesn't appear to be a keyhole or a keycard hole. I'm gonna try to open it." JJ reached for the door. But, when he grabbed it, he stumbled backwards. His eyes went to the back of his head, he freaked out, and then he passed out.

"Oh man!" Caleb exclaimed, scared out of his mind. "We've gotta find Maralyssa. She'll know what to do!" He then picked up JJ and ran out of the gym and downstairs.

"Man, I hope the others don't have it as hard."

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