Chapter 7: message from the mysterious kid

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"My goodness, Adam," Tyler said as he saw an elevator. "Is there anything this school doesn't have?"

"A blood fountain, perhaps," Adam snarled.

They entered the elevator. There were four buttons: one labeled "learning center (bottom one)," another one labeled "extracurricular center (second to bottom one)," one labeled "recreational center," and the top one labeled "decision center."

"Well, Adam," Tyler started, "we are obviously on the learning floor. Caleb and JJ are in charge of the extracurricular floor, so let's hit the recreational floor!"

Tyler hit the recreational center button, and up they went. But that's not all. The elevator played not boring elevator music, but actual music. It was playing "Tops down", and lemme assure you, Tyler and Adam were having fun right up until they left the elevator to get to the recreational center.

There was at least sixteen rooms on that floor, and they were all pretty big. Adam sniffed and wandered himself into a room, and he found—

"A blood fountain!" Tyler exclaimed. "What kind of place is this?"

Adam was too busy drinking the fountain to listen to what he was saying.

"Too busy enjoying yourself, huh?" Tyler muttered to himself, knowing that Adam wasn't listening. "Well then, I guess I'll enjoy myself...on the dance floor!"

Tyler went into the room next to the one he was in and danced on a rather retro dance floor (the type with arrows and stuff). He danced to several songs, including themes from various video games.

He danced his heart out until Adam started barking and howling. Tyler stopped what he was doing and went to see what was going on.

"Adam, what's wrong?" Tyler asked.

Adam kept growling.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Tyler asked sharply.

Adam ran out of the room and into another room. Tyler followed Adam into a very dark room. Tyler couldn't find a light switch, so he groped around until he felt Adam's coarse (yet somehow at the same time, soft) fur. He used him as something to lean on until anything happened.

Adam just growled and snarled until something came towards him. It was a human figure, from what Tyler could tell. The figure was fairly slender, but sort of thick at the same time. This told Tyler that this person, if it was one, was a boy. He saw the figure give Adam something before hopping into the ceiling tiles.

Before long, the lights came on. The room was white and had a few bare beds in the corner. On the wall in front of Adam and Tyler, there was a message painted on the wall that read:

Let this be a warning to you all. Leave this
h***-hole ASAP! Failure to do so will result
in severe consequences and possibly death.
You have been warned!
-Myst. Kid

"Well, then," Tyler said. Adam turned around and showed himself to be chewing on something. Tyler yanked it out of Adam's mouth and it appeared to be a regular bone. However, he got a closer look and saw something carved into it. It was another message, but it was in another language.

"It looks like..." Tyler started, then he gasped. "My gosh! I've gotta get this to Maralyssa, stat! But first..."

He grabbed Adam and dragged him to the dance machine, where he (Tyler) danced to "Jump up, Super Star."

After about five minutes of that, they rushed to the elevator and entered it. They pressed the bottom button and down they went. While they were going down, they were jamming to the song "Feel it still."

After reaching the bottom, they scrambled out of the elevator and into the halls, where they knocked into JJ, Alizay, Maralyssa, and Caleb.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked.

"Lots of things," Caleb said. "What's wrong with you?"

"The mysterious kid, that's what," Tyler said. "He wrote a message on the wall before we even entered, and he gave Adam this bone to shut him up. We thought that maybe Maralyssa could translate what was carved into the bone."

"Well, she can't right now," Alizay said.

"And why not?" Tyler asked suspiciously.

"Because JJ had a vision," Alizay whispered. "Not only that, but there's something weird going on with this school. Here, go to the 9th grade section."

She handed Tyler the yearbook and Tyler went to flipping pages.

When he reached the 9th grade section, he asked, "Where's Kayla Darnell?"

"That's the problem," Maralyssa said. "But that's not all. JJ's vision may be a piece of the puzzle. You see, he got it from trying to open a door."

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