Chapter 2: the takeoff

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"What did ya take us outta class for?" Caleb asked Autumn.

"Yeah, what do you want this time?" JJ said in agreement.

"We haven't gotten in trouble for at least five days!" Tyler exclaimed.

"What did we do this time?" Maralyssa protested.

"EVERYONE, CALM DOWN!" Autumn yelled.

Everyone shut up and looked at her and she continued. "You guys are gonna go somewhere that could get you all in serious trouble if you were caught. But, you guys are known for getting away with stuff like this for at least a day, which is enough time for me to take care of the rest."

"Where are we going, exactly?" JJ asked.

"I'll explain later," Autumn answered. "Now if you go to the conference room, you'll find your stuff in labeled confiscation boxes. Grab what you need and meet me outside."

"Oh, goody!" Alizay squealed with excitement.

They all went to the conference room and found their stuff in their boxes.

Alizay was the first to open up her box. In it, she found her mallet, a black leather jacket, hot pants, two different-colored high heels (one green, one purple), makeup, and hair dye. She grabbed her box, went to another room, and shut the door.

"Me next," Caleb said as he opened his box. Inside it laid four throwing knives, two kitchen knives, a belt to put the knives in, three unopened cans of Monster, black leather gloves (with no fingers in them), a black leather jacket, and a silver shirt. Caleb decided to change in front of them since he wasn't taking off his pants.

JJ then opened his box, and in it was a black shirt, black pants, a spell book, a match, and a bottle of water. He changed in front of them all as well, even though he had to take off his pants.

"Come on, JJ," Maralyssa said as she shielded her eyes from the horror of JJ's underpants. "No one wants to see your not-so-tighty-whities."

"Oh, shut up and let me make my own decisions," JJ responded as he got into his pants, which made Maralyssa uncover her eyes.

Adam opened his box next, and in his box was a pair of black shorts that were too big, several bones, and a moonstone.

"Wassup with the stone?" Caleb asked Adam.

"Maralyssa gave it to me to keep me from hurting people," Adam answered. "Thanks again, Maralyssa."

"No problem," Maralyssa said.

"My turn," Tyler said excitedly as he opened his box. In it laid two slingshots, two bottles of ammo, face paint, a long, black leather overcoat, and a silent whistle.

"What's that for?" JJ asked Tyler as he pointed at the whistle.

"Well," Tyler started, "when Adam is in wolf form, he usually only listens to me. However, if he decided to rebel, this whistle would get him back under control. Observe."

He blew the whistle, and while no one else heard it, Adam covered his ears and howled (and he wasn't even a wolf yet). Tyler stopped blowing the whistle and Adam calmed down and looked at Tyler with that why-the-heck-man look.

"See what I mean?" Tyler asked rhetorically. He then got into his stuff.

Maralyssa then opened her box, and in it laid a long, black dress with white frillies on the skirt part and the shirt part, several voodoo books, candles, makeup, some bags full of various stuff, a purse to carry it all in (the purse looked strangely like it was made from human flesh), a necklace with a real (but dead) black widow, and a small crown made of bone. She went in the other room with Alizay to get dressed.

Alizay came out five minutes later wearing a worn out purple t-shirt, her black leather jacket, hot pants, and high heels. Her hair was put up in pigtails, but each one (there were indeed two) laid lazily over each of her shoulders. They were dyed exactly like the picture Autumn showed the coaches (green/teal on one side, purple on the other). She had her makeup on (of course), and she had her mallet in hand.

"Not bad," Caleb said.

"Thanks," Alizay replied with a smile.

"How come we didn't see that shirt in the box?" JJ asked.

"I had it in my backpack, genius," Alizay answered.

Not long after, Maralyssa came out. She was wearing her dress, necklace, and crown. She had a goth-looking makeover and she had her purse over her shoulder.

"So," Alizay started, "is everyone ready?"

"Wait!" Tyler called. "I gotta let Caleb finish putting on my face paint."

When Caleb finished, Tyler had a target painted over his left eye.

"Now that you slowpokes are ready, let's go meet her outside," Alizay said as she and the others went outside and met with Autumn.

"So," Autumn started, "before we leave out, I have to call y'all's parents and make sure you all can stay overnight."

"Overnight?" the troublesome kids exclaimed simultaneously.

"Well, for three reasons," Autumn started. "Reason one: it's a full moon tonight, so Adam will be in wolf form, and this can help you guys. Reason two, security's not so tight, so it should be somewhat of a snap for y'all. And reason three, it's a Friday, so you don't have to worry about school."

She then walked inside and proceeded to make those phone calls.

"Man, overnight," Caleb complained.

"Yeah, and what's in it for us?" JJ added. "Probably nothing. She's probably doing this for free! And JJ don't do free for others unless it's Maralyssa!"

"Hm, how sweet," Maralyssa murmured.

Autumn came back out and announced, "Good news! I said that y'all are getting extra credit for those days that you had ISI and they said it's okay for y'all to stay overnight."

"Uh, Mrs. Caldwell," Tyler started, "what's in it for us?"

"If y'all are successful," Autumn started, "I will remove your horrible transgressions from your permanent records. I will also give each of you fifty points in each class, and that will be your extra credit." She then led them to a white van.

"Isn't this one of the drivers education vans?" Adam asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but the school kindly let me borrow it for this task," Autumn answered. "Now, everyone in! We're going on a road trip!"

"We can't!" Tyler exclaimed. "School isn't out, yet."

Just then, the 3:20 bell rang, and everyone came out and went home.

"Well, then..." Tyler mumbled.

"Well, let's go," Autumn said as they all piled in the van and drove off.

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