Chapter 14: escape

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"Well, now what?!" Wyatt complained. "Those little ******* set off the ******* lockdown! We can't leave through the ventilation, the doors, or even the windows!"

"But what about the ceiling?" JJ said.

"Hey!" Wyatt started. "Get it through that thick, ******* skull of yours: the ventilation is locked down. We can't escape through it!"

"Who said anything about ventilation?" JJ said.

He crawled up into the ceiling (via the tiles). Not long after, he was on the other side of the door.

"Of course," Caleb said as he crawled up into the ceiling.

He then joined JJ on the other side of the door.

"Well, let's go," Alizay said as she and Wyatt crawled into the ceiling and to the other side of the door.

Eventually, Adam, Maralyssa, and Tyler did the same.

"Now let's go!" Caleb exclaimed as they ran down the stairs. They were now on the recreational floor. They ran past the many rooms and ran down the stairs to the extracurricular floor.

"Hey," Wyatt said to JJ.

"What?" JJ said.

"You do realize that the exit is locked down, right?"

Everyone stopped running.

"Uh..." JJ said.

"When we get down there, we still won't be able to get out, even if we had a ******* keycard," Wyatt explained.

"Well," Alizay started, "I could smash it out with my malle—"

"The door is bulletproof," Wyatt interrupted. "Your mallet would sooner break to pieces before it broke that door."

"So, that's it, then," Caleb whimpered. "We're stuck here forever."

"Well, no," Wyatt said. "We're stuck here until the cops arrive, which should be in about twenty-five minutes."

"So we're screwed, then!" Caleb exclaimed angrily.

"Pretty much," Wyatt said calmly. "This is just one of the reasons I was trying to get Alizay out of here, but it isn't the only reason."

"Well," JJ started, "since we're screwed anyway, would you like to tell us those reasons?"

"Sure," Wyatt said. "Reason one: what I just said. Reason two: this place has a way of getting people. Reason three: I was concerned for her. Reason four: I couldn't have her get in trouble again. That's all the reasons I got."

"Ok," JJ said. "So, anyone got anything else to say before we all go to juvie?"

"Sure," Maralyssa said. "You guys still wanna know how we met?"

"Why not?" Caleb said.

"Lay it on us," Wyatt said as well.

"Okay then," Maralyssa started. "I'm gonna put this as shortly as possible. I turned JJ into a crocodile in 8th grade. When I tried to changed him back, he was still part crocodile. I took him to a voodoo shop for supplies, we talked, and we found out that we had more in common than we thought. After I cured him fully, we bought a few other items and we got set up in the janitor's closet. Since then, well, you get the idea."

"That's a weird way of hooking up," Alizay muttered.

"Oh, and I'm sure you and Wyatt met up in some fancy cafe in Paris," Maralyssa hissed sarcastically.

"Not exactly," Alizay said. "That's actually an interesting story. One time in Language Arts, our teacher got onto us all over some inappropriate spelling error. No one would fess up, so we were stuck in class until someone did fess up, which no one did. Not long after, there was a power outage. When the power came back on, there were some students missing. Several people panicked, including me. Then another power outage happened. When that went away, there was some random, nearly-bald kid with whitish-green skin hung on a noose on the ceiling."

"So that's where my zombie went," Maralyssa exclaimed.

"That was yours?!" Alizay exclaimed.

"Yep," Maralyssa said.

"Well, anyway," Alizay continued, "JJ made a speech saying how we should just leave. We did—well, except for a select few. Eventually, we were caught by two groups of rival cliques who gave us the Suicide Squad treatment. I was put in a cage to hang upside down on my clothing, which is actually quite easy. JJ and Maralyssa made a feeble attempt to take over the world, but failed, of course. Wyatt went mad and saved me, and that's how we got together."

"Wow, that was rather exciting," Caleb said, impressed.

They then heard the sound of police sirens.

"Well, there they are," Wyatt said. "I guess it's juvie for us. I hear some of the inmates try to sneak drugs in through...places."

"Wait, say that again!" Alizay exclaimed.

"I hear some of the inmates try to sneak drugs in through places," Wyatt repeated.

"Of course, that's it," Alizay said. "Everyone, go downstairs and hide in the ceiling tiles! I've got a plan."

Everyone did as they were told. Alizay climbed in last.

"This is the police!" the police yelled from outside. "Please come out with your hands in the air or we will come and get you forcefully!"

The gang did nothing.

"We are coming in now!" the police shouted. "Don't try anything!"

The door was heard opening. Alizay opened a tile slightly and saw at least seven police officers with handguns entering the school. They looked around and went upstairs.

When Alizay couldn't hear them anymore, she whispered, "Coast is clear. Let's hop down and initiate part two of this plan."

They hopped out and faced the door. Caleb tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"It's locked, guys," he said, disappointed.

"Maralyssa," Alizay started. "You know what to do."

Maralyssa muttered in Latin and then everything twisted and turned. Then, they were all outside.

"Let's go!" Alizay said.

They all ran for the road. While they were running, they saw the white van. They ran to it and hopped in.

"Step on it!!!" they all yelled simultaneously.

Autumn floored it for about two miles, then she drove normally. "So, how'd it go?" she asked calmly, as if they were returning from band practice or something.

"It was something else," JJ said.

"What's Wyatt doing here?" she asked.

"Don't ask," the others said simultaneously as Autumn drove them all the way back to the school.

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