Chapter 3: the arrival

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"So," Tyler started, hoping to make time go by faster by brewing a conversation, "weird weather we're having, huh?"

"Uh, yeah, whatever," Alizay said as she gripped her mallet.

"Ok, uh..." Tyler started. "A-anyone got any, uh, plans for th—"

"Ok, just shut up!" Caleb yelled as he pulled out a knife and pointed it at Tyler's throat.

"Calm down back there!" Autumn called.

"Seriously dude, chill out," JJ said.

"Yeah, save it for security," Maralyssa added.

"What do you mean, 'security'?" Caleb asked, raising a brow.

"The spirits were talking to me again," Maralyssa whispered. "They said, 'Be cautious. Danger awaits. Tell your friends to be prepared.'"

"Yeah, I personally don't believe in that kind of stuff," Alizay replied.

"Me neither," Caleb said as he lowered the knife.

"Same," Tyler agreed.

"Adam?" JJ said to Adam, who was lying in the back of the van with Tyler. "What's your opinion?"

"Leave me out of this," Adam responded as he fixed his black shorts.

"Why are you even wearing those things now?" Caleb asked Adam. "Why can't you just wear your regular pants, become a wolf, and then change into your shorts?"

"I don't want my clothes stretching," Adam answered. "That happened to me fifty-four times this year!"

"You seriously kept count," Tyler said in shock. "Wow..."

"What made you a werewolf, anyway?" JJ asked.

"Well," Adam started.


Fifteen minutes later...

"Maralyssa's the reason you're a werewolf?" Caleb said, shocked.

"Uh, yep," Adam replied.

"What were you thinking?" Caleb asked Maralyssa.

"Well, someone had to test it," she responded. "And besides, I partially cured it. Now, it only happens during the full moon, and it's at its worst during blue moon. But that's rare, so yeah!"

The van hit a bump, and an "oof!" was heard.

"Did you hear that?" Maralyssa asked Caleb.

"I did, but I didn't make the sound," Caleb answered.

"We didn't, either," Tyler said.

"Ok, then that was kinda weird," Maralyssa said.

Then, awkward silence.

After about three hours of that, night started to come. Adam started to feel funny. He clutched his stone in his hand. The moon started to rise. Black fur was starting to sprout on his face and body. His body was changing, getting bigger, really. His eyes turned bright blue and wolf-like. His human ears went away as wolf ears appeared on the top of his head. And to top it all off, he even grew a tail, which ripped through his shorts.

When the transformation was complete, he looked like a part wolf, part person (mostly wolf), just the way he was supposed to. He still had the moonstone in his hand (well, paw, but it still had an opposable thumb, and the digits were still fairly longish). He put it in his pocket so it would still keep him, well, tame (and yes, his shorts did finally fit).

"Ok, we're here!" Autumn called.

They all stepped out of the van and looked at the school. It was very big for a school, as a matter of fact. It was about four stories high and pretty darn wide.

"I gotta go," Autumn said as she got back in the van.

"What about us?" Alizay called.

"I'll check up on y'all in about five hours," Autumn replied. "Good luck!"

She then drove off.

"Oh, come on!" Caleb exclaimed. "How are we even supposed to get in?!"

"Leave it to me," Alizay said as she approached the glass door. She raised her mallet over her head, but just before she shattered the door, Maralyssa stopped her.

"Are you crazy?" Maralyssa whispered sharply. "You'll get us compromised! Allow me..."

She then muttered something in Latin, confusing everyone but JJ.

All of a sudden, their world started to fall. Then it twisted and turned. They all felt like throwing up. Then, it all stopped. They were now all on the other side of the glass door.

"We're inside," Alizay whispered.

"Weird!" Tyler exclaimed.

Adam snarled, then growled.

"Adam, what is it?" Tyler asked, concerned.

"What's his deal?" Alizay asked.

"He's sensing something he doesn't like," Tyler said.

"We'll deal with it, later," JJ said as he and the others started walking. "Now let's go!"

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