"Get this posted as soon as possible. You may take your leave," he said. She took it from him and got up, making sure that she stayed as far away from Landon as possible as she left. Nalini could still feel his eyes on her back as she left, though.

Travelling to the town wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. It was peaceful, and she liked the way the carriage ride was bumpy. The errand she had to run was still quite boring though. As she got out, she was getting looks from other people in the town. She knew that this was something she would never get used to.

She hated the attention. A man even bumped into a lady as he was too busy staring at her with curious eyes. Red-faced, he tipped his hat in a hasty apology to the woman who he had bumped into. She would have laughed had she not been the reason for him to not watch where he was going.

When she got back, there was a smartly-dressed man with well kept dark hair and dark eyes lingering around the front yard, seemingly bored. Nalini tore her eyes away - who knew what the man was doing, loitering around there? She quickly tried to shuffle up the small stairs and to the front doors when she was stopped.

"Uh, hello Miss, may I inquire about something?"

Nalini froze. She turned around to see the man watching her with interest. "Yes?"

"Do you know of Lord Phillips whereabouts? He has not come back in a while."

"Lord Phillips?"

"Oh, perhaps you know of him as Landon."

Nalini's eyes widened. The horrible man even had a title!

"I think he's still chatting to the Duke," she replied, softly. The man in front of her watched her with amusement, a half-smile curving on his lips.

At first, she furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head at him but then she realised the manner in which she spoke was completely different from his. She cringed but tried not to let the thought bother her. "Um, would you like me to tell—"

"No, no, it is quite alright."

The man ran a nervous hand through his hair, but then glanced at Nalini who was still standing there awkwardly.

"How rude of me for not introducing myself. I'm Edward," he said, going to reach out for her hand before retracting it just as quickly. "Forgive me, but I musn't shake a lady's hand if there are no gloves." He bowed his head in greeting a little instead. Nalini nodded and let out a small, hesitant smile.

They stood in silence before Edward gestured towards her. "And you are Miss...?"

"Oh, sorry, uh, I'm Nalini," she said in a hurry, embarrassment seeping within her.

Edward chuckled at her expense, two small dimples forming in his pale cheeks. "Well, I have never heard of such a name! It is very beautiful," he said, with a large grin.

There was pure joy in his face; his eyes crinkled as they shimmered, caused Nalini to take a step back in surprise. As long as she had been here, she never really saw anyone who looked genuinely happy.

It was refreshing, to say the least, so she couldn't help but return his grin with a large smile of her own. "Um, thank you, sir, that's oddly kind of you," she said. "Edward's a nice name too!" she added as an after-thought.

Edward snickered at that and she smiled sheepishly. She wasn't happy with her life, but...Edward's presence was already brightening up her day.

"There is no need to be so formal with me, please, I cannot handle such compliments."

She tilted her head. "Why not?"

"Because it is clearly not genuine, is it?" he teased and she let out a soft laugh.

"It's still a compliment nevertheless!"

"Hmm, and if I called you beautiful?"

She gasped, her mouth wide open. "So that's not genuine? You're calling me ugly?" she said, a small smile playing at her lips.

"Good god, no," he said, his eyes wide. "You are most beautiful of course, your highness."

She shook her head with a chuckle. "You're so silly."

"As are you," he said, mirroring her grin, his eyes wrinkling around the corners as his smile deepened.

"We must meet again one day, you are very refreshing."

"I am?"

"Yes indeed. I would love to introduce Daisy to you as well - she will love you."

Nalini smiled, raising her eyebrows. "Daisy?" she inquired.

Edward chuckled his pearly whites on display. "Yes, my horse. She is my love, you see and to be my friend, you have to win her over."

Nalini laughed in delight. "I will try my best!"

"Ah, I see you have acquainted yourself with my younger brother, hmm?"

She turned to see Landon or 'Lord Phillips' emerge out of the front door. The minute he settled himself beside them, the atmosphere turned tense. He gave off a dangerous almost malicious aura that Nalini didn't find very comfortable.

It immediately set off alarms that repeatedly told her to get away from him. She wrung her hands nervously as she looked at him. Even Edward stood rigidly beside him, the smile on his face from before, now gone.

"We will take our leave now, it was nice to meet you, Miss Nalini," Edward said, politely.

He bowed his head and walked away with Landon, who shot a wink at her causing her to tear her gaze away from him instantly. She hated the attention he gave her. It made her uneasy. When Nalini turned to go back in, her eyes met with the Duke's figure who stood near the doorway.

His face darkened angrily and his eyes were hard as they bore into hers. Nalini gulped but straightened her back and walked up to the door.

I haven't done anything wrong so why should I be scared...right?

With that, she tried to walk past him and through the front when he blocked her path, his huge stature almost covering her entire view of the inside. Looming over her, he looked down at her and she glanced up. His lips were pressed together and his eyes were narrowed.

"What were you doing, chatting with Landon?"

"I wasn't...I was talking to his younger brother."

"He approached you, Miss Chandhy so I suggest you inform me of the truth." He leaned down menacingly, his muscle in his cheek twitching. "If I ever see you talking to him ag—"

"What did I even do, Your Grace?" she said, her voice trembling.

She understood why he was wary of Landon but the accusatory voice in which he spoke to her, hurt. "He was the one talking to me."

"Whatever the reason, you will not speak to the measly Mr Phillips," he boomed. "Do you understand me?"

Without saying a word, she shoved him to the side and walked up the stairs and to her room. She hated how he treated her like a baby, and hated how she acted like one. Falling onto her bed, she closed her eyes, wishing herself to sleep. Nalini woke a few hours later to a rough knock at her door. She slowly inched towards it, anxious to who wanted to see her so late.

Opening the door ever so reluctantly, her eyes widened at the visitor on the other side.

The Duke's Forbidden Lover (Forbidden #1)Where stories live. Discover now