26: I Need To Talk To You...

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"Did you take a look Namjoon?" Hoseok asks as he puts on a pair of latex, white gloves.

"The bleeding isn't as bad as it was, it's calmed down and isn't as heavy and it's all a very bright red colour. No clots. Is that good or bad?"

"I'll take a look so I can find out what's going on, is that alright?"

Namjoon looks angry at the idea of having another man look at Jin's private place, but he knows he has no choice, if he wants to knows what's wrong with Jin, Hoseok has to take a look and examine him.

Namjoon nods, a frown and angry look on his face at the idea.

I watch as Hoseok opens Jin's legs after his underwear has been removed and goes between Jin's open legs.
Namjoon watches Hoseok very closely, possessiveness in his eyes and manner.

Me and Jimin turn away to respect his privacy, knowing Jin wouldn't want us to watch as something embarrassing goes on, but we continue to listen, anxious to know what's wrong.

Hoseok speaks to his doctors, saying medical terms I don't understand as they nod their heads and get out the appropriate equipment from their cases.

He closes his legs again and places the blanket over his lower half, covering it once more.

Me and Jimin turn back around now that Jin is decent.

Hoseok uses a stethoscope against Jin's belly, listening for the babies heart beats I'm assuming.

"Can you guys tell me what the fuck is going on, do you know what's wrong with him?" Namjoon questions, getting frustrated and angry with how long it's taking to get information on what's wrong with Jin.

Hoseok looks up at Namjoon, giving him a relieved smile.

"The babies are perfectly fine, my first thought was that he was having a miscarriage, but that's not the case here. What has actually happened is the stomach has been bruised, and the body has essentially panicked from the trauma which is what caused the bleeding. But I must ask, has Jin been stressed recently?"

Namjoon, Jin and I all breathe out in relief, thank God the babies are alright.

"His last carer came back today-"

Hoseok's face darkens with anger. He knows all about what happened in the past with both Jin and Jimin with that twat of a man.

At least he's gone for good now.

"He found Jin, he hurt him and tried to fucking touch him, but Jin was so brave and fought back and ran, I'm so proud of him... Fuck I love him so much, he's my absolute everything, my whole world. Him and those beautiful babies... I'm absolutely terrified of what could've happened had he of not fought back like he did..."

Hoseok places a hand on Namjoon's shoulder, reassuring him, understanding how Joon is feeling right now.

"He's a fighter Joon, he really is, you should be proud of him, and you can tell him just how proud you are, because he's just woken up." Hosoek grins down at Jin as Joon turns in shock, eyes wide and leans down and kisses Jin passionately.

Jin's droopy, tired eyes widen from the action, but not even a second later, he places a hand around Joon's neck, answering his kiss with equal passion.

When they finally pull away from each other, Jimin let's go of my hand, seeing the opportunity and launches himself at Jin, only to be stopped by me, in mid-air as he jumps.

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