Pancakes and corpse ridden forests

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"No Bert,"
"Yes Bert,"
"If you dare to shoot when it's not necessary I'll chop your dick off,"
"But we haven't even had sex yet!" "Don't care."

Bert was acting like a toddler. Which I would be fine with but he was acting like a toddler while he held a gun.

"What're you two on about?" Aryan walked in, managing to keep his balance while holding five plates with pancakes stacked.

"Oh nothing much, just trying to make sure that this idiot-" I jerked my head in my boyfriend's direction, "-knows how and more so when to shoot a gun."

"I do know!" "Sure you do," I feigned agreement and he grumbled under his breath and crossed his hands.

"Right right, we can argue later. But first-" "PANCAKES!" "Yeah, that," Aryan laughed at Chloe's excitement.

"So, what do we know about the dagger as of now?" I asked. "Umm, there's drawings of what it should look like but that's not much since most of it is covered in stains and whatnot. The pictures, though? They're very helpful," Aryan pulled out a few stacks of pictures, not all in perfect condition but it was something.

"What do we have h-" "Jesus Anna, you sound like a creepy villain about to rip my throat out," Chloe chastised. "Who's to say I won't?" Anna smirked but quickly dropped it, sorting the stacks of photos in separate piles. "Try and find pictures with similar backgrounds and pair them together, like it's a puzzle. We'll be able to figure out where to go in what order. Roughly," Anna added that last bit and we all got to work.

"Hey, this looks one of the pillars at the lake!" After about fifteen minutes of silence Bert got my attention. "Yeah... is there any other picture from around there?" I asked and Anna scrambled and shuffled around her pile to see. "Wait-no-Ah shit-Found it!" She triumphantly held up a picture, ignoring her bleeding finger.

"You might want a band-aid for that," I nodded in her finger's direction and she simply waved me off. "I'll be fine, besides, we kind of have a lead!" "Yeah, kind of," I emphasised at how we couldn't be sure that this would even help us.

"Don't be such a downer. Anyway, I did manage to find some close-ups of the runes and inscriptions on the pillars and on the walls back on ruins in Kuldhara," "So?" Bert squinted his eyes and tilted his head in confusion. "So, it means that whatever was written on there was probably very important," I said as if it was obvious, which it was.

"Sure, but how do we even know what they translate to?" And now he asks the right questions. "We don't have to worry about that, Sarah did that all for us," and Aryan pulled out a rather familiar looking notepad, just covered in mud and blood.

"Wait but if she did that how's she gonna handle Aditya and his fuckers? She's screwed isn't she?" "None of our business," Chloe shrugged.

"Woman! Do you even have a heart?" Bert stared at his sister in shock, who feigned thought for a bit before shrugging and leaving it at that.

"You lose a part of yourself and also the ability to feel sympathy when you're in it for long enough," no one needed to ask Chloe what 'it' was, we all knew the answer anyway.

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