Betrayed (Once again)

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"Bye assholes!" Chloe sarcastically said while waving her right hand.

Hunter and Em were about to get into the car with Dan, but they ran over and hugged me. I just awkwardly patted their backs while waiting for them to explain themselves. "Wha-?" "We'll miss having a sane person around," the two said though their voices were muffled by the flannel I wore. "I'm far from sane," I chuckled. "Better than those two," they gestured to their siblings. "Hey!" Bert and Chloe acted offended. The kids just laughed and went into the car, waving their hands wildly as they went.

"Right, now that family time's over, back to business. Do we have any whereabouts on your grandad?" 'Yeah,' a voice came in. I forgot that we all already put our earpieces in. 'Sorry if I scared ya. I'm Ryan, by the way,' He spoke with a heavy Irish accent. "Where is he?" I asked. 'Right, sorry. He's dead. He died recently. Of old age,' "At least someone died peacefully," Bert muttered. 'He's buried in the same graveyard as the rest,' "Right, do you know what the letter meant by saying that I killed two gang leaders?" I asked Ryan. 'Don't know,' Ryan rushed out. He clearly knew but I dropped it. For now.

"You sure you wanna go back there? We can go without you if you want?" Anna asked. "No, it's fine. I have no time to grieve, not now. There should be enough for that later. Now, I must avenge my brother and sister," My voice left no room for arguments. "Alright, get in. The cemetery is a short drive away, about five minutes," Anna said as we all piled in, Chloe driving. 

Anna sat in the passenger's seat while Bert and I sat behind. My brain was filled with a tornado of thoughts and I paid no mind to the two girls bickering. "Hey, I forgot. What was it you were going to tell me in the elevator back then?" I asked. "Oh, right," Bert sighed. He was about to speak but then Chloe interrupted, "We're here!" and Bert and I groaned out again. 

I got out last and held my dagger in my hand, ready to attack. "Hey Nyx! Why isn't your grandad's grave next to your grandma?" Chloe asked once she realised that the only other graves with my last name close to my grandma's were my siblings'. "Oh, they got divorced a few years after my mom and dad got married. They hated the living crap out of each other, and they always wanted to get buried as far away as possible," I responded. 

"Damn, your family has some sorta history," Anna remarked but when she saw my glare she raised her hands in defeat. "Well then, do we pair up or take one corner each?" I asked. "Pair up," Chloe and Anna said. "Chloe and I will take north, you and Anna take south," Bert said and went north with Chloe. 

As Anna and I were walking, I could see her uneasily shifting out of my peripheral vision. "What is it?" I asked while skimming over each grave. "I umm, I just wanna apologise for the-" "For the whole trying to slaughter me?" I raised my eyebrows and held back a grin "Yeah, that," She sighed. "It's fine, you didn't know better," I waved her off. 

"Hey, if my brother's been dead, who were you in contact with? I mean, for you to think you were helping my twin, someone must have pretended to be him, yes?" I asked. "Honestly, I have no idea. I'm assuming it's someone working for Nicole," "Has to be," and once I said that silence filled the air around us. 

"GUYS! WE FOUND IT!" I shouted out as I reached the grave of 'Nathan Anora,' a.k.a my grandfather. The cousins ran over and panted slightly once they halted next to me. "Huh, he doesn't have a Greek name," Bert said. "That's a given you dummy," Chloe smacked him across the head. 

"Ah, I see you've reached. Been so long since I've last seen you," A deep voice spoke and we turned behind use to see a large man standing in front of us. He wore sunglasses to cover his eyes, had greying hair and a jagged scar running down his face that started at his temple and ended at the nape of his neck and he had a small, friendly smile. 

Upon realising who he was I immediately went to hug him. "Uncle Ethan!" I exclaimed. "Who's he?" Bert scrunched his eyebrows as he looked him over. "Well her uncle, obviously,"  Chloe rolled her eyes. "He's my uncle, obviously. And he's also on the good side," I told them while smiling softly. "You sure?" Anna asked and I nodded in response. 

"Oh yeah, definitely. Never like Nicole, that bitch. I always knew she'd go and fuck up our lives," Uncle Ethan told them. "Well, if she trusts you, then we'll trust you," Bert said. "Hey, don't speak for me. Not sure I'll be trusting anyone for a long time now," Anna said. "Fair enough," Uncle Ethan raised his hands. "Alright, let me show you in," He said and walked away with us in trail. "Wait, you're the owner of our old house?" My eyes widened as we stopped in front of an oh so familiar door. 

"Well, Mrs. Smith was planning on buying the house but I couldn't let that old hag get it," He chuckled and went to the kitchen to get us some water. We all took a glass and downed the water in a gulp, after all we only ate or drank last at the motel. "So, what do we know about Nicole?" "Not much," Anna responded. "Well, maybe see that note she left at the my dad's gravestone. She does like leaving notes," He chuckled.

"Yeah, let me pull it out-wait a minute," Bert stopped and all of us halted. "We never said anything about Nicole liking notes. You're with her!" I said while starting to feel a bit dizzy. "Well, you realised it a bit too late now. Goodnight!" I heard his voice say cheerfully and started feeling faint. One by one the four of us dropped down to the floor as darkness took over us. 

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