Jerks with guns and symbols on trees

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"So, when do we leave?" Chloe asked while tying her hair into a ponytail. "In twenty minutes," one of Aditya's men gruffly answered.

"Be nice once in a while, wouldn't hurt would it," I bit back at the man and he just ignored me.

"Where are we going?" Aryan asked. "Not entirely sure. There's a lot of inscriptions in places over here so apparently he's been able to translate them or something," "And so we're going wherever he thinks we're supposed to go," Bert finished for Chloe.

"Right. And who helped him translate the inscriptions?" "I did," and a brunette girl came into sight. "I'm-"
"-Sarah," Anna cut her off.

"How do you know her?" I asked. "We were in the same high school," "History class right?" Sarah asked and Anna nodded. "It's so nice to meet you again! What're you doing here?" Sarah squinted her eyes in confusion.

"Uh... basically Aditya kidnapped Nyx and I, he only needs the other three so we're probably dead by the end," Anna summed it up in a rather dark manner. "Right, we can't have that, can we?" Sarah gave us a knowing smirk.

"What're you on about?" I asked while lacing up my boots. "I'll tell you in the jeep, I'm driving you guys to the place," She said and got in a jeep, Anna sitting next to her as Bert, Aryan, Chloe and I got in the back.

Aditya was in a jeep right behind us and there were about two jeeps right ahead, all filled with armed men. "As I was saying," Sarah started driving, following the vehicles ahead of us, "Aditya's smart. I'll give him that. He's kept my little brother and I'm unfortunately forced to help him to get Sam back," she finished with a sigh.

"I'm sorry," Anna said quietly. "Yeah, Sam didn't deserve... any of this, at all really. Anyway, now that I know you're here, I'm given all the more reasons to lead Aditya the wrong way," Sarah said while glancing back at us. "Wait, so he's completely relying on the information you've given him which I'm guessing is bullshit?" Aryan put the pieces together and Sarah nodded with a grin.

"So, what did you tell him?" I asked. "Oh just enough to throw him off trail for a bit. He probably did mention that there were inscriptions, and I do know what they mean, he doesn't though. he thinks we have to go and find the trail on which Salim Singh went to find the villagers who left, which is true, but not entirely,"

"Then what's the lie?" "The inscriptions also mentioned the fact that on the trail, the seventh brahmin he killed will have a symbol somewhere on his body. It's not as much a lie as it is hiding the truth," "Salim Singh's?" "No, dumbass, the brahmin," Sarah rolled her eyes at Aryan.

"Hey I have a question," Bert finally spoke up. He'd been quiet the whole time today and seemed lost in thought. I motioned for him to ask and he did, "Why are three of the four parts divided amongst us? It makes sense for me and Chloe to have two parts since we're cousins, but for Aryan to have a third part we must be connected somehow, right?"

"That's what I think all of us don't understand. What is connecting us. Our parents must have known each other but how?" Chloe ran her hand through her hair while all of us were deep in thought.

"Guys, we're here," Sarah announced while jumping out the jeep, the rest of us following.

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