GTA it

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"What's got you smiling? Didn't you get shot in the leg yesterday?" Anna asked.
"We kissed," I clarified.

Bert had his usual stupid lopsided grin and I could see his eyes sparkle more than usual. His hair dye was fading and his hair was growing so I saw his roots. Turns out his original hair is ash blond.

"Your hair is blonde?" I asked in surprise even though it was blatantly obvious. "No, it's purple," Bert rolled his eyes.

"Hey, don't be so rude to your first girlfriend," Chloe teased. "She's not my first- I don't think that was the best thing to say really," he stopped himself and I laughed and waved him off.

'So you guys are finally a thing? YES!' "Jesus! Em! Keep your voice down," I grimaced. "Again, loving the whole family time romantic shit, seriously, but I say we get going," Anna said.

"Yeah, let's get going. Hopefully this time I actually come in contact with that hag rather than some goons," I said while slinging a backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm driving this time," I said while getting in the jeep. "SHOTGUN!" Bert yelled before the other two complained but got in the back.

About five minutes later we were still stuck where we started. Or rather before we started.

"Let's ditch it, this isn't gonna work and you know it," Chloe tried to convince me. "Guys, GUYS! Why's there smoke coming out from the bonnet?" Anna alarmed all of us and we scrambled out.

"OH FUCK OUR JEEP IS ON FIRE OUR JEEP'S ON FIRE?" Bert started screaming and I hit him on the head to shut him up. "Our jeep isn't burning, let's just call a mechanic," I tried to be rational.

'Actually Nyx, the jeep is literally on fire,' I turned around immediately and indeed, Ryan was right. The jeep was actually burning. "MAKE WAY!" Chloe screamed and her and Anna dumped a bucket of water each to put out the fire.

"Lovely, now what do we do?" I groaned. The fire was out but the jeep for sure was not in working condition. "We GTA it," Bert said, determined.

"Wha-No! We will most certainly not 'GTA it you idiot," I told him and he just scowled. "Then what else do we do?" He asked.

Right about then I saw a five guys standing quite far away from us and four bikes parked around them. "Y'know what Bert? We GTA it," I said and he jumped up and down in excitement.

"'Kay so here's what we do, or better yet, I do. I go over there, 'seduce' those pieces of shit, knock em out and we take their bikes," I said while unzipping my jacket and pulling my shirt down a bit to show more cleavage.

"Wait no. No no no no no. Let's not GTA it. Wait no STOP GOING AWAY DAMN IT!" Bert yelled after me but I just gave him the middle finger and smirked. Him screaming would sure as hell help my case to get those guys to believe I was into them.

"Hey boys," I smirked and leaned against one of the bikes, giving them a flirty wave as I tried not to cringe at myself.

"Lover boy over there looks a little lonely," A blond jerked his head in Bert's direction. 'Nyx stop this honestly, we'll send a car or something,' Hunter tried but Em cut him off, 'Shut up idiot. This is gonna be so much fun.'

"He can fuck himself," I said and the five greasy guys ahead of me grinned.
"How about we go somewhere?" Right then Ryan took the queue and asked, 'Do I send in the rest of them? Bert's dying to punch someone since he overheard the conversation,'  and I said, "Yes," so the assholes in front of me thought I wanted to 'go somewhere.'

Since I was leaning against one of the guys now, I managed to knock him out with the butt of my gun and before they could react properly and fight, the rest were knocked out by Bert, Chloe and Anna. The latter took it easy while Bert may or may not have kneed a guy in the balls.

After a good few hours and a lot of rest stops, (Chloe had a microscopic bladder, I realised), we arrived back at the diner where Bert got involved in this mess.

"Isn't it nice? We're back at the place where we had our first date!" Bert was so excited he resembled a labradoodle, which he honestly always resembled.

"Yes, because everyone goes on a first date right after slitting someone's throat," I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Well, it's not like anything else about  our relationship is normal," he shrugged. "I'm gonna go before you guys make out or something," "Me too," Anna and Chloe went to sit far away from us.

'As much as I love you two, please remove the earpieces I do not wanna hear any lovey shit. Just put 'em back in later,'  Ryan spoke. Bert and I just chuckled and did as he said.

"Oh shit put it back in now!" I whispered to Bert and he did as I said and I put my earpiece in.

"Black hair, tall, wearing the flannel?" That's Nicole," I said and immediately everyone sat up straighter. Nicole spotted me and came over to sit next to me.

"Here's what's happening. Those two lesbian lovers come over here first. Don't bother aiming your guns at me, you're outnumbered," her blood red lips pulled into a smirk.

I looked around and indeed we were outnumbered. Chloe and Anna came over and sat like she asked. "Oh good, everyone's attending the party finally. So, ladies and...lady," she looked at Bert, "I was waiting in Nyx's apartment but I got bored," Nicole shrugged.

"Why. Are. You. Doing. This?" I was seething with anger as I tried to keep my cool. "Oh don't get mad darling. I'm not Dr. Doofenshmirtz that I give you my whole plan. That's too simple and boring. You'll find out soon enough, have patience. I'm just here to make... friendly conversation," she leaned back in her chair.

"But to answer your question, I'm bored. Destroying you is the best challenge I'm getting. You didn't give up when I framed you and you're not giving up now. But trust me, I don't give up either," with that she took MY milkshake and walked off while taking sips out of it.

"Oh and honey, you might wanna hide. My men should start shooting you the second I walk out," and that they did.

I was not going to let her destroy me. Even if it was the last thing either of us did.

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