VIII Part 3.

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Annalise's POV

How has it come to this?

Only minutes ago I was with my family, playing a game of cards in father's study. And now, here I am, silently crying over my little brother's lifeless body.

Slowly raising my head, I look to my side where my mother and father lay, emotionless eyes staring back at me.

More tears fall to the ground as I finally notice the smoke engulfing the room. Warm fire climbing the walls, as if it wished to get away from this horrid scene.

My eyes drift to the door, a silent wish longing within me to go. As I glance back to my family, I let a prayer rise to the sky, more warm tears falling on the creaking wooden floor.

I find myself walking down the halls of my family's once grand palace, a place where I grew up protected from the outside world, where I spent my nights looking at my dear Spider Lilies in my personal garden.

My Spider Lilies... Why have I kept them around so much?

Looking to my right, I see blood smeared on the wall. I'm curious as to who it belongs to, yet I do not have a want or wish to know. Does that even make sense at this point?

Moving aside my bangs, I whipe away the stray tears that run down in rivers on my cheeks.

I keep on walking, ignoring the smoke entering my lungs as I don't allow a cough to disturb this imperfect silence. Finally reaching the outside, where I uncontrollably fall to the ground, my knees failing to hold me up anymore.

Looking at the once grandiose castle with white flowers spread everywhere, I now see flames eating away my childhood memories and dear ones.

No sound leaves my throat, not even a sob of some sort, just uncomfortable tears.

My void eyes stared down at the muddied red dress on my body, a dress picked by Lyra, my dear best friend. I simply allow my tears to wet my dress, as I see no need to wear it anymore.

A sudden sound reaches my ears, the sound of a sword being removed from its holster, yet it is muffled against the raging flames in front of me.

I hear a man's voice, but I cannot make any words out. I feel as if I've gone deaf. The words "Princess" and "die" come past my ears, I understand what he means to do. To end my life on this earth.

I simply sit there, my bangs shielding my eyes as more silent tears fall. I wish I could die, so that I will be with my family again.

I feel the sharp metal against my neck, warning me of what is about to come along with it. A bit of blood trickles down my neck as the man puts more pressure on it. It is as if he is toying with me.

"Just kill me, will you..." I manage to choke out, but barely.

I see a bit of surprise flashing over his body from the corner of my eye. Was he expecting me to beg for mercy when I already know that there is no more hope left for me?

I scoff at that thought.

I won't beg for Death to let me live when I know that it is already upon me, waiting for my soul.

I see him raise his sword over my head, and then, sıłєηcє.

I feel like I'm falling through a tunnel, many glowing blue orbs floating around me.

I simply look at them confused.

"Where am I?" I question, my voice echoing throughout the blue glass surrounded tunnel

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"Where am I?" I question, my voice echoing throughout the blue glass surrounded tunnel.

I receive no response, none what so ever.

Taking a closer look at the crystal blue orbs, I see them showing me images. No. Not images, but memories from my life.


"Because I wished so." A gruff voice makes me jolt awake from my dazed state.

I look around myself confused, as I don't see who is speaking.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"I am everywhere, my child. Yet I must say that I am surprised, you are the first one to ask 'where', not 'who'."

"I see no need to ask who you are, for that all I know is that I am dead." I coldly retort.

"That is why you are here, my child. I am offering you another chance at life as long as you serve only one purpose." The voice offered.

"And that is?" I question further.

"To collect the souls of the dead in this necklace." Instantly, a star shaped necklace appeared in front of me, a golden glow surrounding it.

A few moments of silence pass, either of us saying a word as I carefully measure the offer.

If I accept, I will get another chance at life and will have to help the souls in need. But I'll be lonely.

I sit there, looking at the golden necklace intently, as I feel myself being pulled closer to it.

"I accept your offer." I finally respond, getting a hold on the floating necklace.

"I am glad you do. And from now on, you will be known as The Right Hand of God." The voice says, slightly making me flinch with its intensity.

A bright light engulfs me, so blinding that I am forced to cover my eyes.


I slowly remove my hand from my face, allowing myself to gaze at the now bright sky in front of me.

"The Right Hand of God..." I mused.

Walking in a completely unknown direction, I glance at the beautiful threes and green grass covering the ground.

Suddenly, multiple men dressed in black with golden trimmings at the edges stop me from walking as they stand in my way.

"She looks like a Noble..." one of them mutters, attracting my attention.

Casually looking over at them all, I simply state "Where am I?"

That seemed to have caught them off guard as they simply look at each other in confusion.

All of a sudden, a tall man with long blonde hair and red eyes, a mask covering his mouth, appeared in front of me.

His gaze meeting mine intensely. I simply look at him, repeating my question. "Where am I?"

I stand there, having a stare down with the blonde man, no words passing in the air.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Cordelia Rense Di Annalise. Now you answer my question." I coldly say.

A bit taken back by my emotionless voice, he complied to my wish.

"You're in Lukedonia."

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