VIII Part 2.

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"I already know that."

"Good thing that you do, My Lady."

Silence fell upon themselves as the sky turned into a midnight black, the moon shining over the castle whose windows sparked with a yellowish light.

"I believe it's time to return to your room, My Lady." Saber announced the girl sitting on the ground, one hand on the tilt of his tightly strapped sword.

Grunting in response, Annalise shuffled to her feet, slightly wobbly with sleep. "Please carry me to my room, Saber. I'm too sleepy..." She trailed off, allowing herself to fall, only to be caught by her guards hands and carefully scooped up to his chest.

"You'd think that for a fourteen year old princess you'd have more energy, My Lady." He muttered, entering the castle and signalling a maid with short blue hair and dark blue eyes - Denise - to come help him with the young girl in his arms.

"Shut up..." Annalise murmured half asleep.

In response, Saber just chuckled - his chest's vibrating, making Annalise fall into a deep slumber.

Years passed and Annalise turned into a proper lady at her father's request of her having an etiquette tutor.

Now, at the age of eighteen, Annalise was constantly courted, thing that greatly annoyed her.

Sitting down at her beautifully build gazebo, Annalise was chatting away with a cheerful girl with bubblegum coloured hair and eyes as bright as her mother's. This was Lyra Evelyn, her childhood best friend, a girl that has been at her side for the longest she could remember.

Silently standing on Annalise's right, a boy with hair as dark as hers, with eyes just as red as her Spider Lilies, was her cousin, Karius Rense Di Izuru who carefully turned the page of the book in his hands.

"Izuru! Get involved in our conversation too!" Lyra called to the quiet boy.

"I would, but I would not be interested in it at all. It would be boring." The said boy calmly stated, turning another page, continuing reading his black covered book.

As Lyra huffed out of defeat and Izuru smirked at her annoyed self, Annalise took that chance to release a small giggle that didn't go unnoticed by the other two, who instinctively started laughing as well.

The three of them were best friends, always at each other's arm length, making stupid jokes and pulling childish pranks behind the backs of the king and queen, sometimes involving Annalise's younger brother, Caecilius - being the mastermind most of the time.

Caecilius, now at the age of nine years old, was overwhelmed by Annabelle - the queen - who would make him stay by her side all day, only breaking free when with his older sister.

"Alright, all jokes aside," Lyra said to the almost identical boy and girl "who is the most annoying person in the whole castle, by your opinion?" She asked.

"Well, I would say-" Izuru wanted to say, only to be cut off by another male's voice.

"I apologize for interrupting your discussion, but I brought the refreshments you asked for, My Lady." A tall individual with purplish hair that faded into white at its tips, dark purple eyes shielded by a pair of black rimmed glasses intervened.

"It is quite alright Markus, and thank you for your bother." Annalise placed a hand on top of Izuru's shoulder, making him relax. One thing that the raven haired girl knew was not to cut Izuru off - he didn't like that.

Bowing, Markus put the tray with tea and backed goods on the table and swiftly made his exit.

"As I was saying," Izuru resumed, slightly glaring at the retreating form of Markus "the person that I don't like from this castle is Markus Fiore."

At that, Annalise pursed her lips into a thin line and didn't say a word. Noticing her friend's uneasy demeanour, Lyra asked on a much more serious tone "Why? Markus is the kindest guy in this whole palace."

"He always cuts me off when I'm saying something." He retorted.

"Well that's a stupid reason." Lyra accused.

Bitting back her words, Annalise quickly sat up and, soothing away the crumbled fabric of her beautiful red dress, she walked away with the mission to avoid their meaningless fight.

"I'm going to check on Caecilius. I'll be back." She said to the duo, but it was like it didn't even get to them as they continued to discuss that topic.

Entering the castle, instantly at Annalise's side appeared a familiar white haired male in red armour. "My Lady." He greeted.

"Saber." She nodded in acknowledgement. "How is your day so far?"

"Nothing special, Princess. Just normal everyday routine."

"I see."

After a period of silence, Saber asked the ruby red eyed girl "Where are we heading to, My Lady?"

"To check on my family, of course."

Not saying anything else, they both fell into a comfortable silence, one that Annalise was very fond of. In her years or knowing her guard, Saber Snow was never a man to say many things, mostly keeping to himself and speaking only needed or asked to. Despite his quiet personality, Annalise enjoyed his company and the comforting silence he brought with him.

Out of the corner of a hallway, an old man appeared, bowing at the sight of his princess.

"Charles," Annalise softly said "is my family currently in my father's study?"

"They are, My Lady." He kindly smiled, making the wrinkles on his face rise.

"Thank you, Charles. That is all, you may leave." She smiled back. The old man's smile was contagious.

Walking past them, Charles went inside the library, presumably resuming his chores.

Ever since Annalise was borne, she always had seen the old man in the castle, working for her father as his personal butler and Annalise's caretaker for a while. His gummy smile - as she called it - was the most contagious smile Annalise has seen and she absolutely loved it - always making her day brighter just by the sight of it.

Walking up the flight of stairs, Annalise found herself right in front of her father's study and, lightly knocking on the door, she entered, finding her family playing cards.

Slightly giggling to herself, Annalise took a seat in between her mother and brother, picking up a set of cards, she joined them in the game.

What it looked like to be a quiet and peaceful evening at the royal castle, was soon to become a вυяηıηg вłσσ∂вαтн.

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