I quickly got dressed in my peach dress and I fixed my hair very fast. I then walked out of the house and I followed her. It's not that I don't trust her. She is like a little sister to me, I trust her completely. I just wanted to find out what was wrong with her.

I don't need another sad situation on my hands. Ever since Eliza received that letter from Alexander she has been a little bit of a mess. At first, she locked herself away and cried. Then when she was over crying she tried to act like everything was fine. I knew that things were not fine for her. So I promised her that whoever stole his heart from her would get a not so nice little talk with me.

I just don't need my sisters feeling like that, including (Y/N).

I followed her down the street when the soldier carriages pulled into the heart of the city. Hopefully, John would come out of one of those carriages and surprise Peggy. And hopefully Alexander stayed with Washington. I don't want him near any of us, especially Eliza. All of a sudden (Y/N) started to run the same way the carriages were going.

Was her soldier in one of those carriages?

I ran after her and made sure to stay hidden so that she didn't see or hear me. If her soldier was in one of those carriages then I would finally get to see him. She doesn't talk about him at all. She likes to keep things to herself.

She then stopped in her tracks and started to look out into the crowd. I could tell she found who she was looking for because her eyes went wide and she smiled like a little girl.

Her soldier came up to her and spun her around and then hugged her tightly. I tried to get a good look at the soldier but I couldn't see his face clearly. Then when he pulled away from her another soldier who I knew was John came up and hugged her.

While she was talking with John I tried to get a better look at the soldier but his back was facing me and I couldn't see his face.

(Y/N) pushed John into a carriage, I'm guessing to go to our house to surprise Peggy, that was kind of her.

Then she and her soldier started to walk away. That's when I got a glimpse of his face.

My whole world shattered at this moment. She was the one who stole Alexander from Eliza. Then it hit me, all of those letters are from him, not another random soldier. She has tons of his letters in her room. While Eliza had one that hurt her.

I ran back home, I needed to know for sure. This has to be some kind of joke. (Y/N) can not hurt Eliza like this. When I got home I swung the door open, not caring at how much noise was made.

I didn't even bother to look into the living room to see everyone happy and together. I heard Eliza call out to me, "Angelica? Angelica what's wrong?"

I was halfway up the stairs when I turned around, "I'll explain in a minute just go back with Peggy."

Then I realized another thing, did Peggy know about all of this? How much did Eliza and I really know about (Y/N)? Can we trust her anymore?

I opened her door and I looked around her bedroom for something, anything really. I couldn't find anything under her bed, sheets, or her closet. There was nothing here. Then I looked at her desk. There had to be something in there.

I walked over to the desk and I opened up the drawers one by one. It wasn't until the last two drawers that I found something. I found piles of letters stacked inside of the small drawers. I grabbed a single letter and I read the signature. 'Alexander Hamilton'.

So it was true...

I read some of the letters and you could tell by his words that he was in love with her. They've been in a relationship for weeks and she hasn't told us. I grabbed a few of the letters and I marched back downstairs.

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