Chapter Nine: Mine.

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The school gave some days off due to the incident and some students were injured.

You've seen recovery girl so you got your stitches out. You were heading back to school but it was such a long walk.

I may have bought the house a bit too far....

On this very morning you had Katsuki walk with you. Where you stood with him was very confusing, he never asked you out or even called you his girlfriend.

Maybe I should just ask him out?
And then what....

"Hey Bakugou?"


"Slow down, you're walking too fast."

"You're just being lazy!"

He did still slow down, a teensy bit.

What if I just hold his hand... What if I just slap myself in the face and fall backwards into a church?... What if.... I can't come up with any valid reason to hold his hand... Oh Katsuki, my hand just fell in yours, now hold it.

You put your hands in your pocket instead. It's too soon.. reaching in front of the school you see Midoriya and Ochako talking and when she sees you she runs to you.


"Sorry, my phone is gone and I need to plan a funeral for it" you fake cry.

"Aww gee"

Midoriya comes up to you and hesitates a hug but Bakahoe glared and got all angry like.

Just to provoke him, you look him in the eye and hug Midoriya.
Aaawwww the cute beans little face is all red. "I-I'm glad to s-see that you're okay..."

"Yea.." after like the entire class gave you a hug and said how brave you were, blah blah blah, it was time for class.

Mr Aizawa came in, looking like a mummy.

"Sir, shouldn't you be in the hospital getting rest its vital for your health." Iida greeted him.

"No, I'm still your teacher." He looked around." And the annual UA Sports festival is in a week" The entire class was yelling and cheering.

"But I suck at combat!" You said pouting.

"Thats a lie, I saw you knock out the leader of the Villain attack!" The entire class looked at you with a surprised expression on their faces.

"I-I" you didn't like all the eyes on you.

"Can you all stop looking at her? Jeez. I'm still gonna win" Katsuki scoffed.

The classes went by pretty quick. It was lunch time and Bakugou was getting some food. You sat beside Kirishima waiting for him to come back.

"I swear, I'll wither away and die before he gets back with my food" you mutter while folding a napkin and tearing it into little pieces.

"Thats a waste of a napkin, and Bakugou is getting your food for you?... He's so manly" Kirishima let out the last part under his breath with a sigh.

"Yes, I mean I'll owe him something sooner or later but it's okay." You say with a smile.

"How do you do it. Don't you realise how different he is with you? I mean it's clear you have some sort of Best Friend thing going on."

Best friend?..... Is that all I am? .... Is that all I can be?... Is that all I will be.. .?

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