Chapter Twelve

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          Harry was worried. Draco didn't come back after detention and it was almost midnight. At first he thought it was Snape just being Snape and keeping him after just to be an ass. As time progressed and still no sign of Draco however he began to get really worried.

As soon as it was midnight Harry burst out of Draco room and out the Ravenclaw commons. He started to make his way to the dungeons but somehow ended up crashing into McGonagall.

"Sorry Professor, but I have to go. I know it's after curfew but Draco isn't back yet-."

His rambling were cut off when McGonagall suddenly bent down and engulfed him in a hug.

"Oh Dear." She tsked. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid Draco isn't in the dungeons."

"What!?" Harry gasped tugged himself out of the embrace. "What do you-" it was then that he noticed writing on the wall.


Harry just froze. Draco, his Draco was the only one in this school with that stupid name. So even if it didn't mention his last name. Draco was taken. Then Harry fear turned into anger. Snape!

Without another word Harry dashed off to Myrtles bathroom.

When Harry reached Myrtle he started rambling.

"Myrtleyouhavetotellmewhatittakestogettothechamberofsecrets!" Harry exclaimed. She ink tilted her head at him so he decided to try again. "Snape took Draco to the chamber of secrets!"

"Oh! Well why didn't you start with that!?" She flew over to the sinks and hovered above one in particular. "Just hiss at this one. That's what the creepy man in the cloak did."

Confused, Harry approached the sink. It was then that he noticed snakes on the sink that he understood. Without really paying much attention Harry hissed at the sink. It began to open.

"Thanks Myrtle." Harry rushed diving down the passage way.

"Just bring me back by blonde." She called after him with a giggle.

In the chamber of secrets Snape paced. Draco stood in the center of the room- eyes glazed and unseeing- just waiting for his next order, not once paying attention to Snape's mumbling.

"The boy should be here for now we have," he paused looking from the two unconscious girls to the suggestible servant in the center. "I have been waiting for three hours. Suppose time doesn't matter much when your unconscious or you know under a trance."

Snape's head snapped up at the sound of the giant door opening. With one last command to his servant he hid.

Harry rushed into the the room before he actually took note of the situation. Draco had a hand clutched at his head and was shaking it as if coming out of something. Behind him Hermione and Ginny lay unconscious. Hermione however looked to be slowly fading a leather bound journal lay in her hands.

"Draco!" Harry yelled rushing forward and clutching his best friend in his arms. "I thought you were dead I-" it was when that he noticed a sort of blank look in Draco's eyes. "Hey are you-"

"Am I what Potter?" Draco sneered. Harry stepped back confused. Draco never sneers. Sirius told him that it was bad for his soul. Well that's what Draco told him.

"Draco are you okay? Did Snape do anything to you?" Harry asked feeling kind of small under his friends glare.

"Other than help me realize that I have been kidding myself being friends with you." Draco laughed, a harsh and cruel laugh not the one taught to him by the mauraders. Harry took a step back and Draco took a step forward. "I mean who was I kidding. I should have been honoring the Malfoy name, instead I was given to a blood traitor and his demented brother. I'll let you guess which is which."

Blood traitor? What? Honor to the Malfoy name? Draco hates that name and everything that goes with it. He complains every time someone so much as mentions the Malfoy's to him. Draco also loved Sirius and Regulus, he wouldn't admit it even if it meant getting out the of the The Kiss, and especially not to their faces but he loved them all the same. But Draco wasn't finished.

"And cuddling up to that wolf?! What was I thinking? He's as dirty and filthy as the rest of them. Though trained he would have his uses."

Something was wrong. Draco loved Remus probably more than his actual kin. Harry noticed that through all of this Draco's eyes lacked emotion. No fire or hatred, or pits of disgust shown in those silver eyes.

A weak groan sounded behind the boys and both turned to look at Ginny who seemed to be awakening.

She looked around her and when she realized she wasn't in her dorm room anymore began to panic.

"Oh. The blood traitor whore awakens." Draco snickered walking up to Ginny and yanking the girl up by her hair. Harry stepped forward a protest on his lips when Draco pulled out his wand and aimed it at Ginny neck.

"Harry." Ginny cried. "Help!"

"Oh but he can't help you little girl. Neither you nor your little friend over here is going to make it out alive." At the sound of a third voice Harry's head snapped over to Hermione. She was almost translucent now. An older boy stood over her faded like a ghost himself.

"Who are you?" Harry growled. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Draco look confused as well before another dazed look crossed over his face followed by a smirk.

"Hello Harry Potter. I am Tom Marvolo Riddle. I am the owner of the journal your young friend here is currently holding." Tom looked down at the girl slowly fading below him. "Though I don't believe that she'll make it very long."


Alright so that's it. This chapter was going to be longer but I got over emotional at what I'm about to do to Draco so. Short chapter it is. I swear I love him. I just like putting him through stuff. So yeah. Also Ginny in the next book isn't going to be a "insert word of choosing here" so she'll be chill. I don't really hate her I just don't like her. Well I gotta go. Sorry again for this chapter.

As Always.


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