Chapter Four

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      Surprisingly Draco managed to forget about the intruder on his family home for a while. That was until Harry started hearing voices.

     "It's not really that bad Draco, creepy because they come out of no where and kind of plot the destruction of everyone in Hogwarts, but..." Harry trailed of. He realized he wasn't helping his case and Draco was basically mothering him at this point with worry about his mental health.

     "Harry." Draco sighed. This wasn't going well. This year wasn't going well. Draco's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a pair of hands take his.

     "Draco, I was tired and annoyed. It was probably nothing. You're worrying more than a twelve year old should." Draco smiled a frail smile but smiled none the less at Harry's attempts to distract him.

       "You know you two are terrible liars." Hissed a voice from behind Draco. It was then that he remembered he was in the library and that they were not, no matter how much he wished it, the only two people on the planet.

     "Ginevra, what do you mean?" Harry asked in his most innocent voice. Ginny, followed by another Gryffindor, a small one with a camera, sneered at Draco, but positively beamed at Harry.

     "I was just wandering by and noticed you look up at me before grabbing....Blacks, hand." The fact that she paused before saying his last name proved she didn't believe no matter what the legal system might say that Draco was taken in by the Black brothers. "You know you don't have to make me jealous."

      Draco had to stop himself from groaning and silently wondered what gave this little girl the courage to take action on her crush. Harry had told him when he first met the Weasley family that the youngest had hid from him whenever he wanted to talk to her. Now, she was batting her eye lashes at the boy.

      "Right that's my cue to leave. Sorry mate." Draco then, ignoring his best friend's betrayed noise, stood up gathered his things and left the library.

      Draco could feel Harry's glare on his back from where he sat at the Slytherin table. Blaise and Pansy had practically jumped him when he walked into the hall so he didn't really have much of a choice. The only reason he didn't turn around to at least acknowledge Harry was the fact that he didn't wanna see the predicament he had put his friend in. It totally wasn't because he wouldn't be able to stop himself from laughing, and that he was barely holding himself together at that moment, no.
       Classes went on and Harry had ultimately forgiven Draco, mostly because he couldn't stay mad long at the blond and the fact that he totally caved when he saw tears glistening in those silver eyes. Crocodile tears, but his knees still went weak at them.

      Draco was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione, he was waiting for Harry, when he realized that the brunet wouldn't show.

     "Alright time to go look for the brat." Draco ignored the calls from Hermione that Harry was fine and that he didn't want them bothering him, silently adding in the back of his mind that no he didn't want you bothering him.

      When he did manage to find Harry the scene shocked him. Blood, so much blood. Draco had always had a problem with blood, it wasn't that he was afraid of it or anything it was just whenever he saw a lot of blood his mind would blank out for reasons he didn't know himself. He hadn't realized that he was falling till two arms stretched out to catch him.

     "Woah, Dray." Harry whispered dropping to his knees to cradle the blond. "What's wrong?" Draco shook his head and just pushed his face into Harry's robes. Harry got the message and waited for his best friend to say something, do something, anything that wouldn't scare him like suddenly passing out.

     When Draco managed to get his barrens back he gently pushed away from Harry and stared into green eyes. Purposely ignoring the blood on the walls and a message that would eventually get them in trouble.

     "I have always had an issue with blood. I'm fine." His voice shook but Harry just nodded and helped the boy to his feet.

     "The message says..." before he could continue Harry realized that they were no longer alone and that everyone in Hogwarts was suddenly staring at the two. Well to be honest they did make quite the scene. Harry holding onto Draco's waist while a bloody message and a hanging car stood in front of them. Honestly, Harry had no idea what other people got from this but it couldn't be good, or pg.

     "You two in my office." A professor sighed. Harry assumed it was Dumbledore since the old man didn't stay long enough for him to reply. Harry glared at the back of the old man but helped Draco follow him none the less.
Ahh this is shorter than most chapters probably because I haven't gotten to 1000 words yet but I can't think of anything really. It's been a while and I don't really remember the entire scenario around the Chamber of Secrets so don't be mad if this isn't close enough to cannon. Um anyways. I'll try to update closer together but no promises. So... as always...


What Happened to Draco and Harry? Book 2.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon