Chapter Seven

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After that things seemed normal for a small period of time. Life continued in Hogwarts, and Draco had to keep his housing secret from Harry and the rest of his family. He didn't know why but Draco felt that something bad was going to happen soon and if he didn't save them he was going to drag down everyone he loved.

Harry knew Draco was hiding something but he didn't push. Draco would tell him when he wanted or needed him. For now however he was cursing himself every time he saw his best friend flinch.

Harry wasn't stupid, over protective and sometime oblivious, but not stupid. He knew that the Ravenclaws had something to do with Draco's mood drop, but until Draco said something then Harry wouldn't push. Draco can be dangerous when you pain him before he's ready. Seeing Sirius rush through the floo on own of his bad days hair singed and robes still burning has proved that. Harry chuckled remembering hearing about how Draco had discovered a muggle lighter in Sirius' stuff.

Right now the pair was in the Great Hall; Harry was watching Draco out of the corner of his eye. Hermione had started another argument with the blond and Draco had taken to ignoring the girl in favor of stuffing his face with pancakes.
This was something Hermione didn't take kind to and was trying her harder to prove the Draco was horrible for Harry. Though honestly she could prove he committed a murder and Harry would still be smitten enough to help him hide the body, and get out of the Country.

"Harry." Draco started, pulling Harry out of his thoughts.

"Yeah." Harry smiled at the blond.

"Lockhart is starting a dueling club. We have to join." The statement was that just a statement there was so little emotion in it that Harry almost thought that Draco was under imperious. Almost. There was a light in Draco's eye and a huff of annoyance from Hermione proved that his voice being void of emotion was part of his game.

"Why, my darling Dragon who could never steer me wrong, should we join Lockhart's dueling club." Harry could see that this annoyed Hermione further. On the inside he was grinning, on the outside he was looking at Draco as if he was God himself.

"Snape's going to be in it as well." And Harry immediately got it. A duel between the worst teacher that could have ever walked the planet and the worst person that could have ever existed. Harry wanted immediately to watch the fireworks go off.

"We're doing this. Right now. Like now." Draco only grinned at his best friend.

Unfortunately, Snape and Lockhart did not kill each other like the boys had hoped. Fortunately, Draco has been assigned to duel Hermione, only she knows why she joined despite knowing that the two of them only did it to see if their teachers killed each other, and showed her up. It was kind of embarrassing if you had been cheating on Hermione, the whole school, because she barley lasted a minute.

Harry was too busy trying not to laugh to stop Snape from choosing him to duel next. He ended up dueling Crabbe and while the boy could hold his own in a duel the fight had to be cut short.

"Hiss. Hiss. Hisssssss." Echoed throughout the hall as Harry spoke to the snake that was about to attack Justin, a Hufflepuff. The snake didn't want to listen to him though and hissed back her annoyance. Snape had moved to vanish the snake when Draco stepped in and did it for him, in a way that wouldn't result in the snake painfully evaporating.

Harry didn't have time to think before Hermione and Ron were dragging him out of the hall. Draco followed at a much more leisurely speed.

"Why didn't you tell us you were a parselmouth?" Ron practically shouted once they were away from the others.

     "I'm a what? Really. Hmm. Never knew I was a parselmouth." Harry paused before conjuring up an image of a snake inside his head and hissing.
"Wicked!" Draco seemed to be the only one unaffected. Both Ron and Hermione shivered in disgust.

     "Why aren't you freaked?" Harry asked turning towards his surprisingly smug friend. Draco just looked at Harry and then at the other two before opening his mouth.

     "Nothing surprises me with you anymore." Hermione almost shrieked when the sharp hiss came out of Draco's mouth. It wasn't parseltongue. That much Harry knew because he could hear the sound but also understand it.

      Before Harry had a chance to ask his question Draco answers for him.
"It's a type of Parseltongue but it's more for dragons and other creatures that are reptilian like. I can understand you as well."

     Harry just grinned as the four made their way to the Gryffindor common room.
      "Your staying with me tonight. I'd like to see someone try to drag you back to those birds." Harry hissed staring straight into Draco's silver eyes.

      "Alright. Don't want to walk to the other side of the school anyways." Draco shrugged.

      Harry grinned and bumped shoulders with the blond, causing him to retaliate and bump Harry in return. The boys continued their match until they reached the Gryffindor entrance. Hermione looked ready to tell Draco to get lost, Harry however just said the password and pulled Draco through the portrait.

      Behind him he heard Hermione huff in annoyance and Ron sigh in exasperation. Harry almost felt sorry for the red head. He had been leaving Ron with an angry Hermione and on occasion an annoyed Ginny lately. Mentally Harry promised to start taking Ron with him and Draco when they're trying to escape.

      That night Draco laid in Harry's bed beside the snoozing boy wide awake. Hoping that tonight wouldn't be one of his nightmare nights.

     He used to get them rarely but when he did he made sure that after Hogwarts started that he would be in his room away from Harry when they happened. Lately they have happening more frequently and he didn't want to wake Harry up this time.

     So with one last wish to not have a nightmare and disturb the sleeping boy next to him Draco closed his eyes and drifted off.

His wish wasn't answered that night.

So I hate school and everything it stands for. Sorry I haven't been updating. I honestly wasn't expecting this story to get popular. I mean I know it's a sequel but... anyways thanks for reading my stuff it makes me happy that people like them. Oh and ignore any grammar errors that are on my stories. I kind of don't proof read so...

As always


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