Chapter Six

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Haha I'm lazy. Sorry it took so long to update.
      School continued like normal until, the Quidditch innocent. Harry, like the normal obsessed fan he was signed up for the team despite Draco's obvious dislike of the sport and the thought of his best friend getting hurt. So it only went to show how right he was when a rogue bludger broke his arm and practically knocked him out if the sky.

      'But everything was all good because Harry caught the snitch as he fell.' Draco grumbled as he ran onto the field to Harry. Glaring at Wood as he passed the grinning boy.

       Harry was laying there and Draco was trying to comfort him as much as he could when Lockhart had this 'brilliant' idea to suddenly become a medi-wizard or better yet a healer. Next thing you know BAM! Harry's arm is suddenly boneless and Draco is plotting the destruction of Lockhart as he follows one of the twins as they carry Harry away.

      That night Harry was dozing off peacefully alone in the infirmary, Pomfrey having to drag Draco away before the boy lost more sleep, when the door opened. Harry quickly snuggled back into the blankets and faked being sleep when he heard the unmistakable voice of Dumbledore following it being his head of houses voice. While he couldn't catch all that they were saying he did get snippets.

      "Poor thing."
      "Second one this year." What did they mean by second? Harry wondered trying to listen closer without bringing attention to himself.
         "He was trying to visit him and this happens."
        "Petrification is dangerous and the  Mangroves aren't even finished yet."

     Guilt crashed through Harry along with a amazing amount of fear that he almost jumped out of the bed to see who it was. It couldn't have been Draco the invisibility cloak is in Gryffindor and he was certain the Pomfrey took him straight to Ravenclaw. Then he thought about it, what if it had been Draco. Draco had gotten petrified because of him. What would he say to Sirius or Remus, Merlin Regulus was going to sick Kreacher on him. A shiver coursed through him before he could stop it, luckily the adults weren't paying attention. Harry was so caught up in his own fear that he almost missed what they said next.

       "Do you think he caught a picture...?" Wait a picture? Draco doesn't have a camera. And then relief coursed through him before he realized that he had a certain fanboy that did have a camera, one that never left his side. Harry was actually sure if it wasn't for him the Colin would be camera-sexual. Then realization struck further; Colin got petrified trying to visit him. That's sad. Harry got someone petrified.

      He didn't do it intentionally but he was still guilty, somewhat, maybe. Harry thought that he'd feel a little bit more guilty but he couldn't must anymore than feeling guilt under the circumstances. He'd never really like Colin, he was fine yeah, but like Ginny, Colin followed Harry almost everywhere the only difference was that Colin could walk into the males restroom. Mostly Harry felt relieved that it wasn't Draco.

        Draco practically flew to the Hospital Wing the next day rushing over to Harry's bed before the sun was even fully awake. Harry was to be released that morning and Draco wanted to walk him. Mostly to make sure he doesn't do anything to further damage his arm.

      Harry was sitting up when Draco came in wide awake. He had his head down and was just staring at the blankets.

     "Harry the comforter can't tell you to stop staring." Harry looked up at hearing Draco's voice and immediately relaxed. Draco of course was confused about why Harry was so tensed up about but let it slide. What Draco didn't know is that when Harry went to sleep that night he had a dream of Draco getting petrified and never waking up.

      "I wasn't trying to get it to talk. You're supposed to working on that spell anyways, not me." Harry had net Draco that he couldn't design a spell that would make inanimate object talk as much as they desired. Draco hadn't won the bet, yet, but they both knew that he would figure it out eventually.

      Draco opened his mouth to reply when the door behind him opened again and the most annoying voice erupted from behind it.

      "See, Ronald this is why I said we should have left early we could have gotten to Harry first!" Draco huffed and spun to face an angry Hermione Granger and a sleepy Ronald Weasley. While the red head was chill and fine with Harry and Draco's friendship, unlike his deranged sister, Granger couldn't help but feel that Draco shouldn't be around Harry. She thought Draco was a bad influence and that it was his fault that Harry kept getting into trouble and danger.

     Their relationship was simple: Draco couldn't stand the female coyote, and Hermione refused to see him as anything other than a Brat, which he wasn't. Honestly Sirius and Regulus never really gave him anything he wanted just what he needed. They had the money sure, but Draco believed it to be because they were stingy and loved tormenting him that before he could even make the request the answer was no.

      It was always Remus, who having control over the Black assets after Sirius tried to give it all away, don't ask, that always gave Draco what he wanted after hearing Sirius and Regulus deny him time and time again. So if he was spoiled even a little bit it was Remus' fault.

      "Granger I'm sorry but I am Harry's best friend, so I believe I have more of a right to be here then most." Draco sneered sitting on the edge of Harry's bed.

     "Oh yeah!" She hissed. "Well it's your fault he's hurt in the first place." At this Draco looked confused. He was going to ask what the crazy girl was on about when he was cut off by Harry.

     "It doesn't matter who was here first I would have waited for Draco anyways. Let's just go to breakfast." Harry sighed hoping out pf the bed and pushing Draco out of his curtains so he could change into his uniform. When he was done they all walked down together surrounded by tension and awkward silence.

      Harry signed. If this is how the entire year is going to be then he was better off with actual wolves.
Whenever I want to update I forget to. It's awful. I'm sorry. Hope you like this chapter. I didn't put much thought into it but here ya go. Anyways like always.

Ciao~ I'm keeping it.

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