Chapter Ten

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Once break was over Draco's peace and ability to have Harry all to himself was broken.

The boys were eating breakfast as usual, this time sitting at the Gryffindor table, when the doors to The Great Hall opened with a loud bang.

"Oh, Harry. I am so sorry I left you alone with him." At the mention of his person Draco looked up to find Hermione glaring at him while clutching Harry. In response he did what a naturally mature twelve year old would do. He stuck his tongue at her. Honestly what could you expect he was raised by idiots.

Harry meanwhile was trying and failing to get the bushy haired girl to let go of him so he could breath. While he was focused on breathing again Harry didn't notice a certain ginger first year who had shoved an unsuspecting Draco to the floor.

Draco landed on the floor with a loud crash. His food, oatmeal today, landed on top of him not long after. The Great hall was quiet everyone was waiting to see what Harry would do.

Most of the Ravenclaws and few Gryffindors were hoping Harry would see that Draco was a lost cause. Everyone else expected a beat down.

Harry, finally free of Grangers clutches, turned to find Draco on the floor, oatmeal dumped all over his blond hair. His eyes widened in shock and he turned towards the cause of his best friends embarrassment.

"Ginevra, why did you do that?" Harry's voice was deathly calm and poor Ginny mistook that for what it truly was. For if she had heard the hidden meaning in his tone she would have run instead of answering.

"He was in my seat, Harry." She whined. Harry's expression only darkened.

Draco seeing a future murder case quickly jumped and dragged Harry out of the Great hall, nodding at Ron's sorry and embarrassed expression. At least Draco could handle Ron. His problem towards the blond was mostly jealousy.

The boys walked through the halls until they came to Myrtle's bathroom.

"Come on Harry I need to get oatmeal out of my hair." Draco let go of Harry's wrist to grab at his hair. He made a disgusted noise when he found it clumping with oatmeal. It was almost time for first period and he didn't have time to shower, his first class being Snape.

Draco walked up to the sink to turn it on while Harry walked in behind him grumbling under his breath about murder and red heads.

Draco rolled his eyes and went to turn on the faucet, but it wouldn't work. Water simply wasn't flowing. Frustrated he walked to another sink to find the this one did indeed work. As he was rinsing the oatmeal out of his hair Draco didn't notice Myrtle floating behind him until he looked up a d screamed.

Harry quickly snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Draco screaming to find an oddly amusing scene. Draco was clutching at his chest, hair wet, and glaring at Myrtle who only looked semi-ashamed.

"Myrtle." Draco breathed, "you can't do that. I have years left in my life and I promised Sirius if I die early he could get revenge. You can't get revenge on a ghost!" Harry snickered at the image of Uncle Sirius trying to beat Myrtle with a broom.

"I am sorry boys, Draco, for this inconvenience but there is something I must tell you." Harry and Draco shared a look before analyzing Myrtle. She looked shocked and scared. Not something you would normally see in a ghost especially not one like Myrtle.

"Myrtle what's wrong?" Harry took a step closer to the two and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"I know who opened the chamber of secrets." She whispered before she pulled out a book from behind her back that surprisingly neither boy noticed. "And I know how."

Severus Snape looked at the classroom full of students that he currently had to teach and noticed one student missing from the group of Ravenclaws. With a smirk he marked the blonde absent and sent a notice to Dumbledore in referral for detention. With any luck he'll be able to finish everything he needed to by the end of the day.

Without another delay Severus carried on teaching, unsuspecting of the two boys who were currently hearing terrifying and unsurprising news in a girls bathroom.

Hey guys I noticed that I have started updating every month. Things are weird lately and schools been postponed? Anyways I hope this makes a great update, I'm almost finished with the second book and honestly Chamber of Secrets isn't my favorite. Also sorry the update is short.

Hope you like the update.

As always


What Happened to Draco and Harry? Book 2.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora