Chapter Nine

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Christmas was very anti-climactic. Due to the sense of impending doom many parents and grandparents had to physically drag their children out of Hogwarts. When I was said and done only harry and Draco remained, as they had no real need to visit their families after Regulus 'accidentally' mentioned what he was getting everyone for Christmas. Bathing suits, ones that they would be forced to wear. Basically they had the entire school to themselves, they could do whatever they wanted.

It was only when they heard a crying voice inside of a girls bathroom that things got even more peculiar.

"Um. Hello." Harry called out to the almost empty bathroom.

The sobbing stopped almost immediately, long enough for the boys to slip in and the door to close behind them. The sobbing then continued.

     "Are you.....Okay?" Draco asked skeptic that there was anyone here at all. Harry elbowed him and Draco only shrugged in response. He barely cared when his own family why crying this was a stranger.

    "What my, emotionally impaired, friend is trying to say is is there anything we can do to help you feel better or stop crying at least?"

The sobbing stopped once more, and the boys thinking that the occupant would want them to leave turned around only to come face to face with the spirit of a young female.

"What are you doing here!" The girl shrieked causing Harry to tumble backwards into a puddle of water."

It was then that the two were aware of all the water that lined the floors. It obviously came from the broken sink that was still creating a fountain.

"We heard you crying.....and" Harry stuttered unsure of what to say. To him it seemed that the girl was obviously angry at them.

Draco, however, thought that the ghost looked lonely.

"So. You came here to make fun of poor Myrtle. Whose all alone on the day of her death. No friends. Well go away before I drown you!" She scowled.

"Why are you alone?" Draco asked taking a step towards the spirit.

"Because no one likes poor Moaning Myrtle!" She cried angrily at Draco.

The full name stirred something in Draco and he only got a brief flash of yellow eyes before the image vanished just as fast as it came.

"That's not a very nice nickname." Harry mumbled more to himself then to anyone actually in the room.

"Well people aren't nice, no one is nice. Especially not towards me." Myrtle huffed. She seemed to be growing more aggravated at the two and Draco feared she might try to drown them.

"You're name wouldn't happen to be Elizabeth would it?" Draco whispered to the spirit so Harry couldn't hear him.

She stared at him shocked for a moment, but Draco just turned to Harry.

"Harry why don't we hang out around here for a while. I mean we obviously need the company." Draco exclaimed. Harry seemed to catch on quickly and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah. Hey Myrtle have you seen anything strange happening recently?" Her face looked puzzled then confused before she answered.

"No. I haven't seen anything. I have however, been hearing hissing. A LOT of hissing lately."

"Well that's not ominous." Draco joked earning him a shove from Harry straight into the water.
On Christmas Day Draco opened his portrait to enter the common room and was immediately surprised when he saw that Harry was already in the common room.

"I am not going to ask how you got in." Draco stated walking past Harry who was comfortably sitting on a blue sofa sipping on hot chocolate.

Draco bent down to grab a present when he realized that the one that he picked up was from Regulus he immediately dropped it as if he had been burned. Draco glared at Harry when he heard a snicker. Harry then had to duck to avoid the box that was hurtled towards his head.

All in all the boys had gotten useless gifts from their family, colorful speedos from Regulus, and bracelets from Remus that could convey messages between the two. He also sent a note saying that if they were going to stay in a dangerous school they might as well stay together.

"So, good Christmas?" Draco asked as he lounged out across the couch. His head was in Harry's lap and his feat were being held up at the other end of the small sofa.

"Yeah well this is only out second Christmas together. I had hoped we'd have more, but if this is our last one." Harry trailed off.

"Nah. You can't get rid of me you're the only person besides Remus that I can stand. Besides you have to help me take over the world."

It was an inside joke between the two that one day Draco will get fed up with how everything is and just take it over so that he could fix it. Harry agreed that he could and that if he did he would help him.

On Christmas night a strange figure was sleeking through the hallway of Hogwarts. The figure stopped outside of the girls bathroom, the only one that has been abandoned for years except for the annoying ghost that haunted it.

The figure waited to hear if the ghost was in, you could normally tell, but when it heard nothing it slipped in and headed for the sinks.

A loud hissing noise echoed throughout the bathroom a creaking followed as the sink opened up to reveal a tunnel.

The figure slipped down the tunnel and into the Chamber of Secrets.

The figure didn't realize that the Myrtle was however in the bathroom when it came in and that she hid in her stall upon hearing the hissing. 

She watched as Severus Snape entered through the tunnel and her mind flashed to the smiling boys who joked with her and brought her a present the morning prior. It wasn't anything special it was actually a scarf that they enchanted to be worn by ghosts but she loved it none the less.

It was then that she promised to watch out for the boys. No matter what happened they had to find out what was going on in order to be safe. Though she figured that she would have to find out what was happening. So against her better judgement she slipped through the the tunnel before it closed and followed Severus down into the Chamber of Secrets.
Technical difficulties. Hate Wattpad right now. Ugh. Can't type too much.

As always


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