Chapter Five

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I'm back and not dead! Well I hope not then that would be very awkward. A ghost writer in a literal sense. Haha. Ah I miss Danny Phantom. Getting off track here. Now a chapter!
Dumbledore didn't question the two like he Draco thought he would though McGonagall stood in the corner with a disappointed scowl on her face mumbling something that was incoherent. It wasn't till after the meeting when they were both in there seller ate common rooms that things started to get worse.

"So Harry how'd you petrify Flinch's cat?" Asked a random third year that Harry never bothered to know the name of. Ron and Hermione were acting as shields on either side of him and Harry felt sorry for Draco if any of the Ravenclaws questioned him. He had no one to protect him in that house though he wouldn't be surprised if either Blaise or Pansy managed to get into the common room.

"I didn't petrify anyone. Certainly not that old mans cat. It was a mistake. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Harry sighed he was exhausted. First Lockhart starts wanting to share famous people makeup tips that Harry should 'use for whenever a cameras around. You never know when you need to be in a picture!' Then some random creepy apparently homicidal voice leads him to a petrified cat and a blood wall message. Finally no one will allow him to go to his dorm to sleep off this day and he was about to explode.

"So then was it Black? Everyone knows you two are close so are you just protecting your friend? You shouldn't do that someone could die. Everyone knows he was born to-" Harry sent the girl a death glare that had her freezing on the spot.

"One. Draco didn't do anything. Two. I would have helped him hide the body k he killed someone. That's how much I care about Draco. And I would have fought tooth and nail if he ever got arrested. Three. I don't want you to say anything about Draco's parents again. I'm lucky that Voldemort only stunned my father. Draco's parents killed each other!" Harry snarled enjoying when everyone flinched at his tone and words. He stood up and smirked before he made his way to his dorm and hopefully a good nights rest.
The same thing could not be said for Draco. He was being ignored. As soon as he stepped through everyone went silent. Draco, getting the hint fast started to make his way up the the dorm room when someone stopped him. Terry Boot.

We've asked Flintwick if you could get your own room. Tried to get you out of the dorm completely but he wouldn't go for it." He then gestured to a painting on the stair case that he never saw before. "Normally it's hidden by stone but he asked the painting to watch over you. You can set your own password."

Draco looked at the painting. A fairy was humming and playing with a harp in the forest. Her wings glowed silver and the song she sung was beautiful and calming to everyone but Draco. He knew what the fairy was and he was surprisingly disappointed in his head of house. The fairy was a Sires. It's a decedent of sirens. They sing the song of the forest to calm wanderers before they kill them in many unnatural ways. For example: A human or wizard under its spell could follow the fairy to a tree a perfectly normal tree. Then the tree under the Sires command would absorb the person until there was nothing left. It was a good thing that Sires were more common in Southern and Northern America because not many people knew about them.

The song only effects people who didn't know what the Sires was and thankfully Draco had been snooping in Sirius' study when he found a book on magical creatures unknown to the common people.

"That's fine. I was getting tired of all the late night page turning anyways." He walked up to the Sires and she stopped singing and observed him. When she found that he wasn't under her spell she smiled and flew up closer to the face of the painting.

"Oh. A smart one we have here everyone else has been entranced even the man who brought me here. You must be my ward. There is another blank painting in the room we should chose the password there away from prying ears. The room has been sound proofed against any type of magic and muggle means." Draco smiled at the Sires and stepped back as she opened the painting. He took one look at everyone in the common room and noticed that they were trying to subtly watch him. They weren't Slytherins though and failed greatly. When Draco entered the portrait he knew even without the sound that everyone resumed their conversations and somehow that made him feel even worse.

He slumped against the wall and almost gave into the temptation to curl up into a ball the way he used to as a child when ever Sirius and Regulus would fight with Remus. When he was little Draco had always hated loud noise and even now at 11 he still couldn't take large amounts of loud noise. He could curl up and whimper until Remus and his werewolf super hearing would hear Draco and immediately search for him.

"Ignore the foolishness of your housemates. Flintwick told me what all of this was about and I have to say that they have some nerve to accuse a perfectly nice young man like yourself." The Sires whispered from the painting on the far left wall. Draco didn't bother looking at his knew courters instead he walked up to the painting and smiled at the blue haired Sires in a water lily dress.

"What's your name?" He asked wincing when he heard how course his voice already was.

"I will tell you tomorrow. We can also chose the password tomorrow. For now you need rest." The Sires smiled and pointed to a blue bed between two grand windows. Both had nooks that he could curl up in but right now he just needed the bed. With a smile he jumped onto the bed and immediately fell asleep under the watch of a kind Sires and in the fluffiest bed he had ever had. Before sleep took him he smiled at the thought of Flintwick noticing his bad sleeping habits and bringing him a nice warm solution.
So I am going to be selfish and ask that someone help me come up with the name for the Sires. I literally picked a word that sounded like siren and went with it. So if anyone had any names for her then comment or else I'll just probably look up magical names and roll with it.
This is a longer chapter then I thought it would be and I'm happy with myself that I managed to get back to 1000 words. All I needed was zero sleep. Anyways like always my signature farewell.


Hmm maybe I should start saying Sayonara?🤔

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