Chapter One

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Somehow everyone, even the Slytherins, we're all sitting by the lake during lunch. Harry and Draco watched from the castle steps as their friends, well friends' dimensional twins, laughed together it was more than either could ever ask for.

"Amazing isn't it?" Harry whispered leaning against Draco.

"Yeah!" Came a listless sigh from behind the pair. They turned to find Luna gazing at the group with a happy smile on her face. She then turned her attraction to the boys. "I missed the first story, but I'm not missing the second." She jumped down the stairs that separated them and grabbed an arm from both boys in hers and dragged them to the group. "Don't worry Hermione got me caught up on what's going on."

Draco and Harry just smiled. Of course both had a feeling that more people would be added to the story telling bunch.

"Gather round, but beware this is not a tale for the weak of heart." Draco exclaimed when they came into hearing distance. Almost immediately did everyone turn to face the trio. Luna ran ahead of the boys to get a seat in between Blaise and Hermione.

"This is our second year facing death and this is when one of us practically died as well." Harry continued watch in amusement as Draco jumped onto a large bolder by the lake and spun on one foot making a show of himself. They agreed to alternate the story telling but it seemed Draco was going to have fun with this.

"So in other words Ron leave I don't want you punching Harry in the face for what is about to go down." Draco stated firmly as he plopped down onto the rock crossed legged. Ron look offended and looked to Harry for support but Harry just leaned against the tree farthest the red headed male.

"You might punch me." Was all he said. Draco cleared his throat and once again everyone's attention was on him.


A twelve year old Draco dragged an eleven year old Harry towards the looming gates of the Malfoy Manor. Vines intertwined with the sharp metal of the gate and a large 'M' stood in the center perfectly divided down the middle by both sides of the gate. Behind the gate you could see the dark and ominous Mansion that resembled a castle than a house but was significantly smaller than Hogwarts.

"Come on Harry we have to hurry up." The Manor itself seemed to come alive when the young male stepped onto the grounds. The grass became more vibrant and the birds that hid in the trees sang. It was like the entire place was welcoming its master home.

     Harry stared in wonder at the albino peacocks that danced behind the bushes. He turned to Draco to see a smile grazing the others lips. He, like the manor, too seemed at peace. "Why don't you go by Malfoy?"

      "There's supposed to be a naming ceremony that happens when you become young enough to withstand magic and not die." Draco laughed, it was a bitter chuckle that chilled Harry to the core. "But my parents couldn't do it from the dead so I  was adopted into the Black family and given their ceremony. You have to be part of the family to give away the name and well... I'm the last Malfoy."

      There was a awkward pause that followed that Harry desperately wanted to get rid of but nothing he said would help. He was about to open his mouth and say something stupid again when Draco stopped suddenly causing the black haired boy to ram into his back.

      "When I turn eighteen since I have Malfoy blood I can give the name to myself." Draco sounded far away and he proved it when he spun on Harry his eyes were glassy and not as silver as they normally are. "I don't know." He seemed to realize he was drifting and he visibly shook his head as to clear away unwanted thoughts and gave Harry the biggest grin. "People say the names cursed. Why would I want a cursed name?!"

       Harry shrugged thinking it was best not to bring up anything that just happened. "Adventure?"

"Boys!" Both boys turned to see Remus jogging up the path to them. The boys stood at the foot of the stairs to the main entrance and had left Remus at the gate in their hurry to enter. "You know you can't wander!"

       Draco had left Harry with Remus in the sitting room to run up to the office when he heard a whisper.  "Draco!" The voice hissed. Draco turned to face his grandfather with a calm expression. The man normally greater Draco when he visited so it wasn't uncommon but he normally just said 'hello' or 'goodbye' but in more regal and 'Malfoy appropriate manors.'

      Before Draco could say anything however the portrait continued. "There was a strange cloaked figure in the manor days before you arrive, most likely a man by their frame, they went into Lucius' study. Draco I do not know what they took and I believe you do not either but I must ask you to leave quickly in case they set up traps. I would not want my Grandson harmed."  Abraxas spoke in hushed tones and the look on his face was in panic but not horror. Draco nodded once and turned to descend down the stairs.

      Remus and Harry turned to greet him but stopped short by the look on Draco's face.

      "We need to leave." Without another word he turned and left the manor making sure that there were two sets of footsteps, and only two, following him as he made his way to the gate. He could sense that the wards were in touch and only slightly weakened but that could have been from lack of use. The person was obviously friends of someone from the manor or the manor would have fought them entrance even with the wards gone the blood that had been soaked into that house made it alive it would have defended itself had it been an unknown intruder. That narrowed down the list but still left multiple possibilities. The previous Malfoy's had been business people from what he heard and had thrown many ball and hosted multiple tea parties and other events so they had multiple associates.

      Draco waited by the gate for the two to catch up. They surprisingly didn't question him Remus on gave him a look that said 'we'll talk later' and apparated them away.
I'm back Baby! And with a sequel. Had to start this before school started back up or I wouldn't have started it at all. I hate school.

Thank you for reading my stuff and I hope you like the sequel. As always.


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