The woman seems unaffected by Regina's sudden outburst, but a spark was lit inside the man. A fire was burning deep within, throwing his tolerance and restraint out the window. He firmly grips the edge of Regina's chair and locks eyes with the woman in questioning. Regina's not dumb, she knows he's ready to rip her heart right out, but she doesn't crumble.

"Are you ready to talk now?" He seethes through clenched teeth.

Regina's nostrils flare the slightest bit and she has to bite the inside of her lip to keep anymore outbursts at bay.

"Alright Regina, maybe you need some more time alone," the woman states as she places the blind fold back in place, isolating the prisoner yet again.

Regina listens intently as the sounds of stomping boots echo through the basement. A door slams shut, notifying her that the strangers have left. A deep chill runs down her spine, at the thought of her unknown future. She's unsure how long they will keep her captive like a caged animal without food or water. The only thing she is banking on, is that they need her alive to find Emma Swan.

"Fuck!" She screams into the emptiness of the basement. That clawing sensation of absolute loneliness tears into her chest, bringing up too many painful memories of her childhood. "What the fuck did you do Emma?" She whispers as one lonely tear, representing her lonely soul spills over the rim. The liquid doesn't even have a chance to escape, just like her. The tear soaks into the blindfold, reminding Regina she is not free to do anything at her own will.

She takes a steady breath and replays the softest melody in her mind until exhaustion swallows her whole and she is dreaming of the missing girl.


Boston: Twenty-one years ago...

"Okay you two, time to get up," Miss Katie gently states as she walks around the room opening up the blinds.

The bright morning sun pours through the windows and gently warms their eyelids, encouraging the sleepy girls to wake. Emma rubs her eyes and out of habit, she frantically searches the bed for her blanket. Regina slowly blinks awake until she notices another person present in her bed and rapidly scatters to the other side of the mattress.

Regina pulls her legs to her chest in fear, while Emma simply retrieves her blanket and stumbles out of the bed. The fearful little girl watches the blonde walk over to her bed and hides her blanket beneath her comforter so nobody can find her prized possession.

"Regina, sweetie," Miss Katie is tentatively reaching out to comfort the little girl, but this action is already causing Regina to recoil. Her new foster mother sighs and drops her hand understanding the young girl's fear. "We are going to the movies today, would you like that?"

Brown eyes are glued to the other little girl, watching as Emma makes her bed and walks right passed Miss Katie and herself without a word spoken. Regina is starting to wonder if this little girl can speak.

"Regina? Is there anything you want to talk to me about?" The woman's sweet voice tears her eyes away from the door Emma just disappeared through. "Do you have any questions for me?"

Regina's bottom lip quivers as she ducks her head down near her knees. She peeks above her arms that are holding her firmly against her chest. Tears well up in those adorable big brown eyes, causing Katie's heart to shatter into a million pieces.

"A-are you my new mommy now?" Regina timidly questions unaware of what is truly happening around her.

The small question breaks Katie's heart even further in which she didn't think was possible. She reaches for the small little girl, needing to console the broken child before her. She wraps Regina up tight and pulls her close into her arms.

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