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I see a blurred shaped human walking away from me, leaving me alone, with all the pain inside me. My head, my arms and legs. I fell on the ground while running away from her, she hit me with her bare hand, after I failed school and the chores in the house, like doing the dishes and cleaning the living room.
I look left, I see myself in the standing mirror next to me. I see myself, Violet, an exhausted girl with brown messy hair, eye bags of tiredness, a black eye that's starting to get bigger and bigger and laying left alone on the black carpet inside a boring, colorless room. I barely got a chance to make my room look cute and cosy, after we just moved in into our new 'home'. To me it feels like a prison. But we had no choice, my mom couldn't afford a bigger one, or put effort into my future. My mom doesn't care about me, she never did.
My brothers were much more important to her, they graduated and were the smartest people in town. My mom believed in them, while forgetting about me. You may wonder, where is my dad? He left us three years back, and my mom is still not over it. She can't keep her anger inside, that's why she abuses me. I'm not the luckiest person alive, to be honest. But besides that I'm curious what will happen in the future. I'd love to travel the world someday, with someone I can share my thoughts and problems with. Someone that truly understands me.
As I try to stand up, I limp heavily when I move and everything inside me seems to break apart. After a minute I'm strong enough to grab the edge of my desk to pull myself up. I don't want my mom to see me this weak as soon as she comes back. So I try to walk a bit. After one step the stiff returns but I don't care and walk further, towards the other side of my room.
It's just a few steps, since I got the smallest room of the apartment and of course my mom the biggest. ,,I need space." she said. I asked her to give me the biggest room, for school and exercising, but she didn't listen.
I search for my keys, that don't seem to lay on my bed. I look around, until now I realize my whole room is a mess after what just happened. Clothes on the floor, papers spread on my bed and a chair that fell on the ground.
It didn't seem like much today, compared to last week. When my mom almost tried to stab me. She left crying, I was confused, and didn't know what to do. During dinner she even said sorry, I thought she realized that hurting me wasn't the right thing to do. But the next day she started all over again.
I finally managed to find my keys that lay next to the chair on the ground, I slowly walk towards it. Then I slowly pull the door handle down and pull it, light spreads itself into my room from the window in the hallway. It instantly looks so much better than before, when it was still dark and colorless.
I hear water falling down in the bathroom, mom is showering, thank god. I guess it was pretty exhausting after you just tried to kill me, thank you mom! After walking a few steps more, my legs are kind of starting to wake up again, I can normally walk downstairs now.

I put the keys in the lock and start biking, while having no clue where I'm going to

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I put the keys in the lock and start biking, while having no clue where I'm going to. I feel the wind in my face and heavily breathe it in and out. I see people walking down the streets, whispering sometimes and looking at me as if I'm naked, they point at my eye. I decide to bike out of the city, have a moment with just me and the nature. I look above me, the light on the horizon is brighter than yesterday. Shadows floating over, skies begin to fade. It's getting darker every minute.
Unexpectedly I feel that bad, annoying pain again. I'm okay, everything's alright, I tell myself. I try to avoid the pain but can't, I can't move or feel my legs anymore, I lose control and my bike starts to wiggle. A flash of pain in my back. I can't breathe, my lungs search for air. Panic inside me, soon or later everything turns black.

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