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Team Flash won and they saved Central City. Iris is saved, Caitlin is again Caitlin and Savitar is gone. Everything was beck to the way it was and it should be. Well, almost.

Even though it's been a weeks since Savitar is gone and things are back to normal, as much as they can after everything, everyone still has a rough time getting used to life were they don't have to worry about any meta-human attacking Central City. No one can belive that it's finally over.

They have rough time to make themselves to enjoy their's free time and are still going to Star Labs trying to find some reason why they should, need, or have to go there.

But they knowed exactly why they want to go there.

They miss a feeling of fighting. That crazy energy. That crazy adrenaline. That excitines. A feeling when you save the city and your heart gets full of joy because you know that you did something good. Something that bring feeling of safeness to people in the city. Something that can to help to better tommorow, how some would put it. Gor better future.

So everyone goes, still, to Star Labs. Every day and there spends most of the day.

Barry loving to just run around in his Flash suit, to assure people that, even though there is no meta-humans that could harm them, he will always be there to protect them and this city.

Iris is back to work as a journalist, but ftom Star Labs. She still had hard time with living life without being scared that everytime Savitar could kill her in a second, whenever he wanted.

Joe is back to having as much as he can normal days at the pollice station, and he missed it. Even thought and he has hard time getting used to it.

Cisco spends all of his days either at the Star Labs, working on some new tech, or watching all of the movies that came out while they had spend their time fighting Savitar.

Caitlin..Well, Caitlin really has hard time with everything. She spends her days at the Star Labs, and than goes home, just sleeping. Well, that's what everyone thought. Actually, she didn't sleep at all. She had insomnia. Everytime she closed her eyes she could see herself, being Killer Frost, and fighting aganist Cisco and Barry and them being hardly harmed. And she being a reason why. She still can't stop the feeling of guality because everything she had done to everyone, even though they say it wasn't her fault. She had nightmares of Savitar and him killing not only the members of team Flash but also and the whole city, and she can't stop thinking about it. Of what could be if she never team up with Savitar. Never becomes Killer Frost. Maybe..Maybe everything would be different now, and H.R. would still be alive.

"Caitlin? Caitlin? Are you okay?" Cisco asked her worried. And he was worried. Caitlin seemed to do this a lot those days. Just spacing off to somewhere who knows where.

She jumped a little when she finally heard that Cisco calls her which only confirmed Cisco's little theory "What did you say Cisco?" Caitlin knows that Cisco smelled that something was off, but hoped that he wont ask, because she can't answer to all of his questions right now. She didn't have energy for it. Luckily, he let it pass this time and she was highly grateful for that. And she was also lucky that no one besides two of them was there.

"I was asking if you would like to come to my apartman and Barry, you and I could have a sleepover. I miss these old times where we were hanging out and having fun" Cisco closed his eyes and crossed his fingers behind his back, hoping that she will not refuse right away. Like and she always does.

At first, Caitlin wanted to refuse. She wanted to be alone, and she wanted to think about things. Even though she does that evey day, every night. But, than again, maybe she could take a break from all of this thinking and try to enjoy her life from now on.

"I think I am gonna.." Oh no no no no, Cisco was saying in his mind. She will refuse. She always does that. Always starts a sentence with 'I think I am gonna...' and he knows she is gonna refuse. He knows this scenario very well. But than..

"Take upon your offer and come" Cisco opened his eyes. Shock and surprise on his face, his lips slihtly apart. Did he just heard what he thinks he heard. Did she just said..yes?

And he couldn't help but ask her "Did you just said what I think you just said?" And Caitlin let a small laugh, nodding.

"Great, tonight 7 o'clock" and he run off like a little kid after getting what he come for.

Cisco heard a sound of a doorbell right at a 7 and he opened the door in a flash. There stood Barry and Caitlin, already in their pajamas and Cisco let them pass with a little commenr of how he just finished picking a movie.

First, Cisco wanted to watch some action, horror, or maybe sci-fi, mystery. All in one, something could make them to feel adrenaline. But, because of the all gloomy faces he was seeing these days, mostly by Caitlin, he decided to pick up a comedy, thinking that it for sure will make them laugh.

And it helped for sure. They were just a few minutes into the movie, and were already having a hard time breathing. Each of them had a big box of popcorns in their hands and on the table The Flash drinks.

After this comedy they decided to watch some mistery, sci-fe, action movie. It was about a girl who was raped and called the police saying that after trying to rape her, he shot himself. Spending days and not knowing anything pollice called world known detective. Long story short, a girl, the very victim, ended up to be the one who planned all of this just so she could kill that detective because years before he put her brother in a prison.

And Cisco didn't lie while saying that this was a good movie, with a large  twist in it, and Barry and Caitlin couldn't agree more.

It was around midnight when the three of them decided to sleep, even though they all were laughing because of some joke Cisco said.

And for the first time, in a long time Caitlin found herself sleeping peacefuly, without a care in this world. She was smiling.

But again, that moment couldn't last for a long time, could it?

So how is this for the first chapter? I am sorry that it took me this long to update anything. I took a break from everything, and was sleeping all days, but now I am back.
Thanks for reading :)

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