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"Who is it Cisco?" Barry asked a second they were at the Star Labs.

"I looked at cameras amd alarms around a town, even searched around news on TV and internet but there is nothing about this meta. Not a single thing"

"So why did the alarm go off?" Barry asked.

"I don't know. I will have to take a look" and Cisco walked out the room, leaving Barry and Caitlin alone, which gived Barry a perfect chance for a little chat with his dear friend.

"Caitlin are you okay? You seem off thoese past days, weeks even and Cisco and I are really starting to worry, you know. So..tell me what's on your mind"

"It's nothing Barry. I am fine" Caitlin tried to assure him bit he knowed better than to belive her.

"Don't lie. I know you. You always do this. Put everyone else above yourself and than you have to do everything alone, even when you don't have. Even when your friends are right there and they want to help you. You just keep on pushing them away. Don't do that please"

"But isn't that exactly what you do Barry" She hitted a nerve "Aren't you the one who always puts everyone above yourself too? What's the difference between us? Don't you have friends and fianceé you can rely on, but still you don't do that?"

Barry didn't know what to say. And what would, what he could say, when everything she said was just a pure truth.

So he stayed in one place, letting her to just walk away.

"Caitlin" Not again "Caitlin" No no.

Caitlin looked around. No one was close to her. Where is he?

"You looking for me?" She turned around, expecting to see him but he wasn't there.

"Here I am" She followed his voice but still didn't saw him, though she could feel that he was closer.

"Here" She felt shivers go up and down her spine. She felt his wart breath on her neck and ear, his hands around her waist.

Her body was right to his and she could feel his warmness, even though she should feel coldness, she just couldn't feel it.

She let him hold her in his arms because it just felt good. Her brain was screaming for her to get away, yet her heart, body, and legs wouldn't listen.

She could feel him sniffing her hair and him making a small circles on her beck with one of his hands.

"Why are you doing this?" She menaged to ask him.

"Because I want to" His raspy voice and coldness at it was sending shivers to her body.

"Stop it" she wanted to scream but her voice wasn't listening to her. Her voice should come out like a scream, but it come out like a whisper, getting lost between their breaths which were in sync.

"You said something" he spinned her so that she was now looking at him. He was smirking, and she didn't like it one bit.

She aparted her lips to say something, but couldn't find the words so they just stayed like that for a few seconds before she closed them.

She didn't like this one bit, yet why she just couldn't say "stop it" or "no" or just anything when she was with him.

It was like she was paralyzed.

"Say it and I will let you go" Savitar smirked. It looked like he knows that she wont, she can't say it. Like he was daring her to try.

"You know I can't do that" Caitlin told him, seeing that she can do nothing.

"I don't know, can you?" He smirked some more.

Caitlin was irritated. He was going on her nerves. He knows she can't do that, so why than?

But why she can't do it? She had no idea.

Than, from the sudden, he let her go.

"They will be here in a minute" he turned around, saying "I will see you soon Dr. Snow" across his arm.

Caitlin looked behind herself and Savitar was right. Someone was coming. Cisco and Barry.

She wanted to look at Savitar one more time but in the place were Savitar was standing now was nothing but a dust and a wind.

"Caitlin" her two best friends called her name.

"Hey guys" she said, putting right away smile on her face.

"You good now?" Barry asked her.

"Yes, I am. Sorry for earlier" she felt ashemed from sudden.

"It's okay. Listen. Maybe you are not ready to talk with us about what ever is bothering you, but the moment you are, we will be there for you, you know that, right?" Cisco and Barry said at the same time. It looks like they were practising.

"What. Was. That?" Cisco asked shocked.

"I have no idea" Barry answered.

"It just come out of my mouth" They said at the same time.

"Stop doing that!" They said.

"No! You stop doing that!"

And if Caitlin didn't interuppted them in that moment they would just go on and on and on and on.

"Guys, calm down"

"Sorry" They said, still not knowing why they keep on saying the same things at the same time

Caitlin hugged both of them and whispered "Thank you"

"Your welcome" Barry and Cisco said at the same time, but this time they were both wearing a smile on their faces, while hugging Caitlin back.

Sorry for a long wait guys. Things happened and between that school started, which means a lot of work less free time, just great. Anyway, I will try to update soon. See ya next time :)

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