Misterious guy

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What does he really wants from her? Why is he always around? Always there? Always spying on her? Following her?

This needed to stop.

After their little situation he started even more to show, still just around her, but she can't lie that they haven't tried to catch him.

Barry and Cisco would be always around her, keeping an eye on her, but he always would find a moment to show up when she is alone.

Which shouldn't be that surprising seeing that he follows her around.

She can just feel his presence, his eyes staring at the back of her hand, but he would never attack, and she would never tell.

It's not like she, or they, could do anything about that.

"Stop doing this!" She found courage in herself to say one day and the next thing she found herself pressed aganist a wall with his hand on her throut.

But, it's not like it was stopping her from saying what she thought about this situation, him.

And now she has a little something to remember to never push him again.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked.

No! She wanted to screvam, but just a soft "okay" left her mouth when she opened it.

They were at Star Labs looking for any meta-humans, but there was none.

For a couple of months. Which was suspecting, and somehow, Caitlin thinks that she knows why is that.

"You have any idea why is that?" Barry asked everyone, and honestly, no one was even trying to think about something right now.

"You heard that?" Iris asked, already scared, which was normal seeing how no action was in town for this long.

Barry looked at everyone worried and in a second flashed out of the room, others following behind.

But of course Caitlin stayed behind.

Let's just say that she had idea of what, or rather who, this sound was.

And let's say that she was right..kind of.

She heard a sound behind herself and turned around, but she didn't have any luck. There was no one.

Was she just imaginationing it?

She was going back to work when she heard it again. No. It wasn't just her imagination for sure.

"Show up where ever you are!" She yelled to the person.

She heard chuckling and that was the moment when a person decided to introduce herself to Caitlin.

It was some guy with black eyes. Truly black. And thoese eyes scared her badly. It's like she was face to face with the devil. With real evil.

"It looks like Savitar was right. You are smart" and Caitlin found herself stiffing. A said person was now fully in front of her.

And that he looked creepy with his dirty blonde hair and black eyes is totally a fact. Not just her feeling.

And she could feel something powerful coming from him.

What was it?

She never felt anything like this before. Not even with Savitar. This guy was totally another level.

"Savitar sended me to give you this" and he giver her a little paper but she didn't even looked at her.

She couldn't keep her eyes from the person in front of her.

His aura is powerful. His eyes, like they could read the deepest parts of everyone's soul. She just couldn't look away. It's like something was making her to look at him. Like she didn't have control over her body.

Who is he really?

She saw the corner of his lips going up, forming a smirk, and then she was back to reality.

What happened to her?

But she didn't have enough time to think about anything when the man started to talk.

"Now when I finished for what I came for, I'm afraid I need to go and leave you alone"

He looked at her eyes and she remembered that if she ever sees him again, she shouldn't look at his.

"I'm sure we will meet again soon enough. Till then" and he dissappeared.

She unfolded a paper that she remembered was still in her hands and looked at it.

"Better be careful. You never know what's hiding behind a dark night - Savitar"

Was all it said.

Was he planning on attacking them?

"It must be just your imagination" she didn't even heard when the others came back to the room.

"Hey" Cisco said confused "What is that?" He come closer to her, standing next to her so that he would be able to read it.

His eyebrows narrowed "What is this supposed to mean?"

"What is it Cisco?" Iris asked what Barry wanted to know.

"Savitar-" he wanted to continue but Caitlin interuppted him and continued herself.

"He is planning something. Be careful"

Okayyyy, that didn't go as planned either (if you are here from my Snowbarry one-shot then you know what I'm talking about). I guess I'm just in the mood for some dark, sad, mistery stuff. Thank you for reading! Also, I want to know what you think about this mistery guy hehe. Also, he looks like a guy in the picture😉

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