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⚠️Darker chapter than usually, but I hope you enjoy it

She didn't know what time it is, she only knew it was dark outside when she had suddenly wake up.

Caitlin looked around seeing Barry and Cisco still sleeping tight.

Than she heard wind, and a sound of leaves which were moved by a wind. Than she heard something that reminded her of scratching, and after that she heard a voice, and she recongized that it was her name that was slipping of this creature mouth.

Scared, but at the same time wanting to see what is it, she stood up from the couch that Cisco and Barry had let her have, saying that she is a girl and that they will take sleeping bags, on which she didn't agree, but after they telling her yet a thousends reasons, and though it wasn't that much, to her it looked like that, she agreed.

Getting to the window, at first, she didn't see anything. Than she opened it, putting her head outside and looking first left, than right. Again, she didn't see anything.

Caitlin started to think that, maybe, all of it was just imagination and she was starting to go back to sleep, when she heard it again.


This time she was following the sound of it and she slowly looked in front of her. There, at the one of the branches, she saw a figure. At first she couldn't recongize who, or what, it was, but then she did, her eyes widened, and she started to shiver.

Savitar. In his armor. Wait, didn't Barry destroyed it?

No. No. This must be just one of thoese imagenations or nighmares she had about Savitar the last few weeks. And every one of them ended up with her screaming, which happened and this time.

Guys were allerted. They shoot their eyes open and in a second were by Caitlin's side.

She was still in the same place like and when she screamed, and it looked like she didn't even noticed that the two of them were besides her. She was still watching outside.

Cisco and Barry looked at each other, with worried looks, and seeing that Caitlin was still watching at the same place, Barry followed her gaze, and he was watching around to see if there was anything, but there wasn't.

Closing a window he looked at Cisco, who was holding Caitlin, hugging her to try and calm her down. Nothing helped.

What was the thing that made her so scared, shocked, Barry didn't even know how to call the look she had on her face in that moment.

He locked eyes with Cisco once again, to see if he had any clue about this, but he didn't and after standing there, waiting for Caitlin to calm down for a little bit, they lead her to the couch.

But she was silent, and even though neither of them wanted to hurry her, they wanted to know what was that that scared her this much.

"Cait..Cait?" Barry called her name and she looked at him, which made her to widen her eyes and start to shiver again, coming closer to Cisco.

Barry and Cisco were in shock.

Is she..? No it can't be possible. Why would she be scared of him? The three of them were best friends.

"Is she scared of you?" Cisco asked Barry, though he could see it himself. She was. But why?

"I..I.." Barry couldn't say anything "But why would she be scared of him Cisco? I don't understand. She was fine before"

"Could you leave us alone?" Cisco nodded and wanted to stand up to give them some privacy, but Caitlin was clatching on him and wouldn't let him go.

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