Who is this guy?

757 19 15

"I told you we will meet soon, haven't I?" Coffee fall out of Caitlin's hand. It's him! Slowly turning around she was met by the same really black eyes that where scaring her. His eyes scanned her face, she could feel it. And there. There is that powerful, dark, misterious aura around him. Just makes him to seem even scarier.

"Why you both just don't leave me alone" Caitlin said with a sigh not daring to look at his eyes once again.

The guy smirked. He knew exactly to who she thought when she said 'both'. "Don't you know Caitlin" her name rolled of his tongue the way that made shivers to go up and down her spine. Not in a good way "You are fascinating Caitlin. Isn't that just enough of a reason? But, I must admit, it's not exactly you who I want" he came closer. Their bodies touching. He grabbed her chin and lifted it up so that their eyes could meet. His hold on her was strong. She couldn't move.

"Don't take this personal love. You are just a figure in this. You truly are beautiful, but you are also just a figure. It would be a shame to ruin you. Take this as a way of me apologizing for what I will do soon" he caressed her cheek gently "It's really a shame" he smirked.

He stepped away "You know, I saw you. In your biggest glory. All powerful, but still caring. Cold, but still warm" Caitlin was confused.

"Don't work with your head too much. You will find the answer to all of your questions soon enough, I hope. In the meantime, be always ready. You never know when someone could attack"

He dissapeared, but much like and the first time, he left something behind. It's that paper again. Taking it and unfolding it, Caitlin saw the single letter written in there, H.

"H" Caitlin said to no one really.

The paper stared glowing, getting a form of something Caitlin couldn't recongise right away. It took a shape of a person. That guy.

"If you see this then you must have saw the papper, huh? I must say that I thought you will just throw it away or leave it like that, but I should have known better. You are Caitlin Snow after all. Anyway, to not make this any longer then it's needed, my message will be short. It's simple. From today I give you a week to find out what my name is. Everyday from now you will get a signs that would lead you to the another letter of my name. When you think you got it, just say it aloud. I will be able to hear. I hope to meet you soon"

After the message was over, Caitlin just stood there. Was he playing with her? Is he joking? Or is this real?

And the way he was saying all of this, it's just weird. Polite. Too polite. Something was about to happen, she was sure now.

Caitlin sighed. Couldn't they just leave her alone? Couldn't everybody just leave her alone? To pretend like she wasn't there, like she doesn't exist? Evenfor a day? She just wanted to be alone.

"Hey Caitl-" Cisco came in, calling her name.

"Why can't everybody just leave me alone?! Just for a day! Am I asking too much!?!" Caitlin just walked past him and went home. She needs to relax.

Who is this guy?


I'm incredible happy that out there are people who still read this, even after all this time. To be honest I planned to write this one a lot longer then just around 600 words but I also felt that it wouldn't be interesting if I gave away everything at once, right?  Thank you for reading this! Please comment your thoughts, I would like to know what you think :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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