n e w s t u d e n t

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Waking up to the sound of an alarm isn't really the ideal morning for people. Especially for a student. After hitting the snooze button 5 times, I finally feel like waking up and getting ready to go to school. I reach out for my phone and notice that it was already 07.59 AM. The gate closes at 8. I quickly freshen up and don't bother to cook for breakfast. I grab my bag and put on my sneakers before running towards school. 

It takes 10 minutes to reach my school and I'm sure I will get detention for this. This is already my fifth one this year and I don't know if they will tolerate my behavior any longer.

I was too busy with my own thoughts when suddenly, I bumped into something, no, more like someone. I backed up and made some space before looking at the person. The first thing I noticed was the stranger was wearing my school uniform. He's probably late too! "I'm sorry for not looking straight. I need to go now. Sorry again!" I bowed to him and quickly ran again.  It's probably not polite to not look at the person's face but I could care less.

In the end, I still end up late for school even though I've sprinted. Maybe I'm just not made for running, Sadly, I couldn't get away with any poor reason so detention it is. Yay

"(Y/N)! You okay? Your face is a mess. Not a hot mess but an ugly mess. Hurry and fix that hair, girl. There is a new student and it's a BOY!" Alyssa says as she kept on rambling about my messy hair and red face. "I don't really care about the new student or whatever. What I need are food and sleep. My stomach is rumbling like an earthquake!" I complain while placing a hand over my stomach to stop the rumbling. Alyssa rolls her eyes and walks with me towards the cafeteria

After eating a whole burger, french fries, and more french fries, I'm finally ready for another hour of mathematics. Alyssa told me that the new student is in our class but I missed homeroom, first, and second class so I didn't get to see him.

The bell rang, meaning we have to go to our next class, which is math for me. Sadly, Alyssa had Physics but I still have Jasmine. 

On our way there, we run across Jasmine and Belle who were busy gossiping about the new boy. The two really like the newest gossip around the school.  Especially if it involves scandals and boys. They join us on our way to our next class. Jasmine and I said our goodbyes and enter the classroom. It's already filled with students. But there is a crowd at the back of the class and it is right beside my seat. Lucky me.

Jasmine decided to join the crowd to find out what was the issue, leaving me alone in my seat while being pushed around by the girls. I didn't really mind the crowd until suddenly one of them accidentally knocks me off my seat and left me on the floor with a sore butt and a scraped knee. It made a loud noise so the attention was directed to me. I don't really like attention so I look down instead.

"Are you okay?" 

I look up and see a boy extending his hand to me. I reach for it and he helps me stand up. I awkwardly brush off the dust in my skirt and fix my chair. The boy suddenly turns around to the girl who bumped into me. "Apologize to her. Now." 

The girl looked shocked. "Why should I apologize to a loner like her? It's her fault anyway. Why did she have to sit there? She could've chosen any other seats." I flinch at the word 'loner'. I didn't really mind what she said and was about to find another seat but the boy stopped me. 

"You were the one at fault. If you hadn't been so aggressive then she wouldn't bump into you. That's her seat.  Now apologize or you'll regret it." At the end of the sentence, his tone became lower and darker, like it had a double meaning. 

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