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Today was finally the day, that Lauren and Camila would seal the deal between each other. They had been through hell together, but they always came back to each other.

After Lauren proposed to Camila, they decided to wait a few months to plan out the wedding and to count how many people were going to attend their wedding. Obviously, both sides of their families and friends would be attending their wedding ceremony, but they also needed count of who was going to be at their after party.

Camila was obviously going to invite her celebrity friends such as Shawn, Taylor Swift, Charli XCX, Selena Gomez, perhaps other celebrities. But Lauren didn't mind that Camila was going to invite her celebrity friends. Obviously, Ally, Normani and Dinah will be attending the wedding. Camila had asked them to be her bridesmaids and Lauren had asked Chris to be her best man. She also asked Shawn and a few other guys, and they happily said yes.

Camila was very nervous but excited. She had never imagined herself being in this position she's in. Being the world's famous pop star. Going to marry the love of her life.

This was all just unreal to her. She couldn't believe. Her teenage self wouldn't hadn't expected her 26th self to be a big pop star or about to get married.

Lauren felt the exact same way. She was going to turn 26 in a couple weeks and she couldn't be happier. In a few weeks, she'll be celebrating her 27th birthday with her soon-to-be-wife. She didn't expect this either. Sure she was a big pop star as well, but her fiancé was a much bigger one and she didn't mind one bit.

She loved the fact that Camila's fans were so supportive for them both and the same with Lauren's.

When the Camilizers and Jaguars found out the Lauren had proposed to Camila, they went crazy! They even had started a hashtag trend on Twitter that was:  " #CongraulationsCamren " and the engaged couple couldn't be happier. They had thanked their fans for their endless support for the couple.

" Mija, are you almost ready? " Camila heard her mother ask her from behind the door.

She had just put on her dress and she couldn't help but feel nervous. She turned around when she heard the door open, and it was her mother.

Sinuhe gasped when she saw her daughter in her dress. " Mija! Eres tan hermosa! Lauren's going to love it! I cannot believe your getting married! I'm so proud of you mija. Te amo much hija. " Sinuhe kissed her daughters cheek.

" I love you too mami. Thank you for supporting me in everything I've done throughout my life. I couldn't ask for a better mother. " She saw her mother's eyes tear up a bit, " I couldn't ask for a better daughter. " A tear trickled down Sinuhe's cheek and she wiped it away. " I'll see you outside mija. Your dad will be waiting for you at the entrance. " Camila nodded and said goodbye to her mother.

Lauren looked in the mirror as she fixed her jacket and her hair. She let out a breath and made her way outside and stood in the alter. " Hi mami. " She said as she stood besides the preacher. She gave her mother a big hug. " Hi mija. Your father says he's sorry he couldn't be here. " Lauren nodded sadly.

A few months ago, they found out that Lauren's  father has stage 2 lung cancer and Lauren was so upset. Her father is everything to her.  He was in the hospital because they had to do another scan to see if their wasn't anything wrong, but her father would be at the party. " I know, it isn't his fault though. At least he'll be here later. " She said and her mother nodded. " Alright, go to your place mija. She's gonna come out any minute. "

Camila took a deep breath as she held her father's hand tightly. She looked up at her father and smiled.

" Thank you papi. For supporting me in everything I've done throughout my life. I couldn't ask for a better father. " She hugged him tightly and heard her father sniffle.

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