24 ( Reunited )

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A/N: Hallo!!

Camila was at the airport, waiting for her girlfriend to come back from California. She missed her girlfriend so much. Camila didn't tell Lauren that she was going to suprise her by picking her up. There were tons of paparazzi and fans here.

Lauren was finally happy that she was going back to Miami and to be with the love of her life. She was invited to the IHeart Radio Awards, and Camila couldn't go cause her schedule was busy at the time. But she did miss her girlfriend very much.

" Camila! Are you here for Lauren?! " One of the paparazzi's shouted at Camila. Camila walked up to the pap and said, " Yes I am. She doesn't know that I'm here. So I'm suprising her. " She smiled widely at the thought of how happy Lauren will be when she sees her.

The plane landed and Lauren stepped out of the plane, covering her eyes cause of all the flashes.

" Lauren! Where's Camila?! " One of the paps asked Lauren. Lauren smiled at her girlfriend's name, but didn't answer the paparazzi. When she got inside the airport, she saw a brunette and her back was facing towards her. Lauren thought it was Camila, but she just shrugged it off, and continued to walk.

After Camila talked to one of Lauren's fans, she turned around and saw that Lauren haven't came off the plane. Or she thought since her plane landed already. She noticed paparazzi's gathering around a certain area and Camila ran over there. Maybe it's Lauren, she thought.

Lauren was crowded with fans and paparazzi's. She couldn't even move. She turned around and saw Ally right in back of her. " Are you alright Alz? " She asked to make sure the older women wasn't hurt. Ally nodded and smiled at her.

Camila went to the side and saw Ally's blonde highlights. " Ally! " She shouted loud enough for Ally to hear. She saw the older girl turn her head and spotted her.

Ally waved at her to come over.

" Where's Lauren? " Camila asked Ally as she continued to walk along with the sidewalk. " Lauren's in that car. Here, " Ally gave Camila her hat, " pretend that your me and go inside the car. I'll go with Will. It was nice seeing you again Mila. Bye! " Ally shouted as Camila was getting into the car Lauren was in.

Lauren was on her phone, waiting for Ally to enter the car. Right when she was about to call her, the car door opened and Ally stepped in. " Took you long enough Alz. " She caught off guard when Ally grabbed her hand. " Hey Ally are you okay? Your not talking. " Lauren questioned her manager.

Camila looked over at Lauren and said, " Ally isn't here. " She took off the hat Ally gave her and smiled widely at her girlfriend.

Lauren heard what she said, but that was when she realized that it wasn't Ally. It was her girlfriend. " Camila? Baby, what are you doing here? " Lauren asked and pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss.

Camila kissed back. When she pulled back she said, " I was going to suprise you. I've missed you so much baby. Don't ever leave me again. " Camila pecked Lauren's lips multiple times and giggled.

Lauren laughed at Camila, " Baby, four days isn't that bad. But I missed you so much baby. " She brought Camila into another deep kiss. She pulled away and smiled widely. " So what'd you do over the week? " Lauren asked her girlfriend, as she wrapped her arm around her.

Camila cuddle into Lauren's side, and laid her head on her shoulder, sighing contently. " I just spent time with Sofi and some of my old high school friends, but other than that, nothing fun. " Camila said and looked up to kiss Lauren's jaw. " What about you baby? How was LA? " She mumbled into her girlfriend's chest.

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