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*Brendon's POV*

I deliberately walk slowly to my next class. I walk into Josh and Tyler. I roll my eyes. Patrick must've found them making out again and lectured them about the importance of school. He's great that way.

I end up walking with them to class. They were already talking when I join conversation so I just listened in for the meantime.

"-didn't even talk the whole time! I mean I know he's new and all but you don't find it weird that he didn't really.. Ya know, say anything?"

"Well come on give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure he was just nervous or something. Don't forget, he did walk in on us making out"

"Yea but did you see what he did when I asked about his age?"

"Yes. I agree that was weird but-"

I interrupt. "Wait, are you guys talking about the new kid? The one with longish hair?"- kind eyes, adorable smile, small frame, cute-

"Yeah, Ryan right?" Josh replies.

"Yup that's the one. I've been told to look out for him or whatever. Ms Cathy put me up to it." They snicker but don't say anything about it. Instead, Tyler states "He didn't talk to us. Like at all. We though its cause he's new or whatever but he wasn't even talking to Patrick."

"Wait what? What happened? Where were you guys? Ryan and Patrick?" I'm confused. What on earth were those four doing together? I knew they all had math together but Josh and Tyler barely go to math so I'm surprised they'd go today.

"Yea. It was the usual. We were hanging out in the old music room when Pat and some new kid walk in."

"On you guys sucking each others faces off" I finish, trying to be funny.

They glance at each other but other than that, they don't acknowledge my joke at their expense.

"Turns out he hasn't eaten all day and Patrick kicked into his motherly mode and got them out of class to eat. God knows what he told Ms Clarke. Good thing he's a straight A kid or else Ms Clarke would not have been happy" Tyler continues.

"Yeah so we talked a little-"

"Well technically only Josh, Patrick and I talked. He kinda just listened and nodded and stuff. It was even weirder when Josh asked his age and he put up fingers to show us!"

They both looked at me expectantly, like they paused just so I can agree and talk about Ryan too. Instead, I just said "you guys, he's kind of a... mute."

"Oh shit! What?!! If I'd known that I wouldn't have even asked in the first place! Damn! Really?" Josh looked at me like this was my idea of a joke. Slowly, I shake my head.

"Fuck me are you serious? He's like one of those book characters! Crap. Do you know why?"

I didn't understand at first but then I did. Ryan chooses to do this. He has a voice. Or even had a voice. But there is a reason he's doing this. Damn. It must've been traumatising for him to decide to never speak again. I wonder how long its been since he said something.

"Look, I don't know anything but whatever it is, we gotta stick together and help him out in whatever ways we can. Don't you dare think for a moment you can mess with him. Patrick is already quite fond of him and Ashley seems hella over protective."

They nod and agree.

*Ashley's POV*
{Rewind to just after lunch}

I get back from the bathroom five minutes later than I'd hoped. Damn girls taking selfies in the bathrooms. They made fun of my hair but I really couldn't care less. I like it green, so its green. It's not that hard to understand.

I was too busy listing all the stupid things girls do when I realise no one is at the table. I sigh and go over to a nearby teacher to ask where my next lesson is. As I walk past the table, I notice a sticky note with neat, straight handwriting on it.

'Hey Ash sorry 'bout ditching you. I made up an excuse to Ms Clarke (math teacher) about why you're late so yea. Anyways the class in down the first hall and the third door to your right. See ya'

I didn't need to be a genius to figure out who it's from. I stuff the note in my pocket and run according to my directions, to my next class. When I walk in, I immediately see something wrong. Patrick and Ryan are no where
to be found. I sit near the back and fiddle with my paper, not really caring about the actual work. Sure, I've only know the guys for less than a day but I really was hoping nothing is going on. I did notice Ryan not eat during recess and when Brendon mentioned the not-eating-breakfast bit, then I got a little more worried. When he didn't eat lunch, I kinda panicked (on the inside).

When we did a group activity, I asked Gee where they went off to. He shrugged and just said "eat". I assumed that meant cafeteria so I asked for a hall pass and went to check. But they weren't there. Now I was on the verge of just sitting there and staring into blank space for hours on end. Instead, I went back to class.

Gee wasn't concerned when I told him they weren't there. He says he "knows places" that they might have gone off to. He doesn't elaborate.

I catch Patrick and Ryan just as they walk into chem. I snatch Patrick's wrist and pull him around the corner. I interrogate him until I'm not worried anymore. So Ryan did eat but only a bit. Ugh I feel like a mother, trying to get their picky child to eat. Even though I'd known him for a day, I'd already decided that if anyone messes with him I'll make sure its the last thing they ever do.

[ayo I'm back from exams and other crap anYWAYS HOW ARE YALL? I have drafted out this entire story already and I'm currently editing them. Sorry for the Ashley POV I swear it's important. I also have drafts for different stories but I'm not sure what's good or not so it'd be great if you could help me out:

1)Ry is a private investigator in an AU where criminals are shrunk and and kept in miniature models of earth as to not create havoc in the real world. Ryan has to find a specific person and is therefore sent into the mini world in search of him.

2) A therapist specialises in "children with otherworldly problems" and Ryan is only 13 when he's taken to them (it's kinda like a Monster AU mixed with the idea of an orphanage I guess??)

3) royalty AU cause I'm trash and I really like them

Please comment on which you feel is most interesting and you would read! Thank you!!

Ohhhh and also thanks @panicatthecheezwhiz_ for giving me a random boost of confidence THANk

ZaH oUt]

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