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*Brendon POV*

I sit in the back row. Its got its pros and cons. For pros, no one else sits in the back row so no sits next to me. I take that as a victory. I'm not the most social of people. As for cons, I have to walk past everyone just to get to my seat. I get stares and glares and its the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Its not that they hate me but still, its not like they like me either.

I notice a new face in the back row. Great. Right next to my seat. She has shoulder length wavy-ish hair that was bright green. She saw me looking at her so she smiled and waved. Ms Cathy is talking to someone's mother at the front of the class. They're deep in conversation and a boy, who I assume is the son of the lady, is just standing awkwardly behind his mother, trying to blend in as much he could. I could relate. He didn't contribute to the conversation at all but he did look over to the class once or twice.

Once the mother is done talking, she turns to her son and kisses his cheek. He realises I saw and blushed. It was kinda cute. Then I realised what I'd just thought and blushed too.

"Alright alright settle down kiddos"
Ms Cathy knows we prefer to be referred to as adults but I think she does it just to tease us.
"Okay so we have two new people here with us today. Do you want to introduce yourself?" She said, looking at green-hair girl in the back. She shot up and exclaimed "Heyo guys I'm Ashley!". She beamed at everyone like we'd just offered her free food for a lifetime. When she sits down, Ms Cathy doesn't get the brown haired boy to introduce himself. Instead, he sits down on my other side (yay more people) and doesn't say anything. Weird.

I wasn't really paying attention to the class. I was more focused on the boy next to me. I didn't even know his name but he looked nice enough. He hadn't talked to anyone the whole time and hasn't asked any questions nor given any answers. Double weird.
On the other hand though, Ashley seemed ecstatic to be sat next to me. She kept asking questions and telling me really random things.

"Did you know mouse's , or is it 'mice's? I don't know whatever it is's teeth never stops growing? Or even weirder: you can mimic a heart attack by getting a medical syringe and filling it with air then sticking it between someone's toes. They'll die and when doctors do the autopsy, they'll only see that they died of heart attack. As long as you wear gloves and no one sees you do it, it'll  be practically untraceable!" She finishes, looking pleased with herself.

"I feel like the government doesn't want you to know that" I replied, laughing.
Ashley blinks then laughs too. A second later we both have tears in our eyes from laughing so hard. I sneak a glance at the new boy. He's smiling to himself but sees me smiling back and blushes. Huh.

Ms Cathy calls me back and the end of the lesson. I hope she hasn't remembered about the homework I didn't hand in last month.

Instead, she says "okay Brendon I know you aren't much of a people person but you're gonna have to help out here. There's another new kid. His name is Ryan and he's a little... Well.. Shy I guess. His mother was worried so I had a talk with her this morning to make sure everything was going to be fine. He just needs someone to help him around a bit. He doesn't talk. At all. He's been homeschooled for a while so as far as I know, this is his first school, besides kindergarten. That about everything I know about him so please try make friends with him."
"I will" I replied "but if he doesn't talk how do I help him?"
"You know.. Show him around, walk him home, talk him though things, let him sit with you for lunch, that kind of thing. I'm not asking for much. He just can't do this alone so please just try help him in whatever way you can."
And with that she leaves the room.


I text Spencer

'Hey Spence new kid in class I'm supposed to help him out or whatever so he's sitting with us for lunch just letting you know byEyEyY'

Just as I put my phone away someone creeps up behind me.
"THE FUCK" She screamed into my ear really loud while slapping my arm. I flinched, dropping my book on the floor.
"HAH! You're scared of the fuck!" She yells at me. She cackles with glee while I pick up the book I dropped.
"Well usually the fuck doesn't sneak attack from behind and yell in my ear 'till I'm deaf" I retort. "Anyways" I said, anxious to change the subject. I just made a fool of myself in front of the new girl. Nice. "Can I see your timetable?" I asked.

She shrugged her bag off and fished her timetable out. We had everything together except for the last three lessons.
"Jackpot!" She said with triumph. "I'm in like every lesson with you! What are the odds?" She tells me stupid jokes and makes weird faces all the way up to our next lesson.
"Oh damn we're ten minutes late" I whispered. "Wait, were you waiting for me when Ms Cathy wanted to talk to me?" I asked.
"Of course asshat. Don't flatter yourself though you're the only person I've talked to since I got here so I'm only going with you 'till I make more friends" she smiled confidently. I shrugged. Ashley was nice and I really liked her so I didn't mind that she'd hang around me for a while.
"I'll introduce you to the people I know okay?"
She smiled back.


[[[Mkay so basically there was a new kid that didn't talk and no one wanted to be friends with so I talked to her a lot and she always listened and soon after she began to talk to me. I was the only person she was comfortable talking to so we became best friends and she slowly got less shy and now she's the main character of a professional play (Wendy from Peter Pan) so yea thats the short story :) hope you'll enjoy the rest of the storyyy]]]]

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