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*Brendon POV*


I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes as sunlight streamed thought the blinds. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. 7:57.
I'm late.

"No running in the halls Urie, how many time do I have to tell you?" A mocking voice greeted me at the door of my locker.

"Spencer shut it I can't be late again. One more time and I get detention"

"What the hell are you talking about first period is at 8:00"

"Yeah I know"

"Its 7:40"


"Oh yeah..." He grinned like a maniac "I forgot I messed with your clock last time I was around at yours"

"You WHAT?" I wanted to strangle him. "What the hell man I woke up and rushed though the morning in a half blind panic! I didn't even have breakfast!"

"Chill out dude you'll be fine"

"I'm hungry"

"Okay but-" "HUNGRY"

Spencer blinks and slaps my arm. Hard.


He smirked and said "serves you right"

"Oh shut up already"

We dropped our stuff off into our lockers and made our way to the canteen. Only last year was it brought to the schools attention that a lot of kids skip breakfast in order to make it to school on time so they made the canteen open half an hour before school starts.

I paid for the sandwiches quickly and shuffled back over to Spencer who was waiting to the side impatiently. He snatched one from me and tore it open immediately.

"Jesus. If I remember correctly, YOU were the one making fun of ME for being hungry"

Spencer slapped me again.

Spencer dragged me back to our lockers, insisting he'd forgotten something.
Instead, he pulled out a small box complete with a bow and everything. He shoves it towards me without making eye contact. If anything, he's concentrating more on the ground than me.

"Happy tomorrow-is-your-birthday-but-I-won't-be-here-so-I'm-giving-it-to-you-today Birthday present" he mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

I accepted it but felt bad immediately after. Spencer was already juggling two jobs on top of school and yet he still scraped something together for me.

"Thanks man I appreciate it. You have a good feeling about the new place?" I asked. Tomorrow he was interviewing for a college just outside the city. He'd been held back once so he's a year older than everyone in class. He turns nineteen in about a month whereas I turn 18 tomorrow. He's been living by himself for a while now so he works two jobs to keep up with everything. It barely keeps him afloat but he's doing quite an okay job.

I stuck the present in my bag, telling him I'd open it tomorrow on my birthday and we walked the rest of the way to class silently. Unfortunately, we don't have a class together until after break so when we go our separate ways, he punches my arm and wishes me luck. I understand why. First period is English. Ugh.

[Heyo guys author's note will be written like this. The chapters will get longer I promise. This is loosely based off something that happened to me (you'll understand in the next chapter) and I hope y'all like it]

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