Enthralled Encounter

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A/N: Hello again my dear readers!

This is a request from Liliya_Evans_Snape where the reader meets Stephen at a bar, flirt together a bit until Kaecilius arrived but ends up discovering the reader has powers as well.

Hope you enjoy.

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To go to strangers had never been your thing, but the moment you laid your eyes upon this dark-haired beauty, you knew you were doomed. Sat in the corner of the bar, his steely eyes fixed on you while sipping seductively his drink, you locked eyes with azure pupils of the man, absolutely enthralled by each other.

You had decided to get a drink at the local bar, to ease the tension in your bones due to the tremendous amount of work you had lately. A teasing smile on your face, you winked at the stranger when the bartender announced your drinks had been paid off by the gentleman.

He got up from his seat, finishing his drink in one shot and made his way to where you were. Elegant, almost graceful despite a slight trembling of his hands when he leaned down on the counter, asking for a drink, he was undeniably good looking.

A small smile tugged at your lips as you stated, sipping the drink slowly :

« Thank you for the drinks, handsome »

His steely eyes sparkled with amusement.

« If I can get a name to your beautiful face, I can get you more. »

You chuckled at his forwardness.

« Are you trying to get me drunk? The name is Y/N. Yours? »

You half spun, facing him properly as he leaned one elbow in the counter, gazing at you with an air of amazement plastered on his face.

« Stephen Strange. Doctor Stephen Strange. »

You raised an eyebrow at him.

« Doctor, huh? Are you in need of a nurse ? » you asked teasingly, leaning forward to whisper the last words in his ear.

One of his hands gently rested on your hip, your own forwardness taking him back.

His breath got slightly caught in his throat, as you noticed his behaviour and a smirk enlightened your face while you slowly stepped back, purposefully letting your lips brushed his sharp cheekbones.

Lost in each other eyes, you could say it was love at first sight, the flirting only adding spice to the romance but it was out of sudden cut short when a strange man appeared from a blazing portal.

His dark eyes, covered with a layer of greenish scales encompassing his mad pupils. Gazing at the crowd, he suddenly stopped at Stephen and you sighed heavily.

« Today is not my day » you muttered while getting up from your seat.

You raised your head up and looked at the man.

« Kaecilius » mumbled Stephen, fidgeting with the golden ring, his whole attention focused on the intruder.

Frowning, you asked.

« Ex-boyfriend? »

You must have said it a bit too loud because Kaecilius looked at you with a look of disgust, stopping dead in his track for a second before approaching his target. Stephen choked at your statement, shaking vigorously his head.

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