Stop Talking

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

Here is a new one-shot about our dear Doctor Strange

Hope you enjoy!;) Thank you sooo much for your support guys! 

I 'm opened to request if you want.

Please leave a vote or a comment.


" Don't make them fall, don't make them fall" You muttered under your breath, carrying the heavy books back to Wong you borrowed a few days ago and a cup of tea in the other hand. You were wearing your green tunic and had put your hair into a ponytail, so your hair wasn't falling in front of your eyes. You had studied the Mystic Arts to help people just like the Ancient One had done for you when you were in need. You had arrived at Kamar-Taj, lost and broken and she had helped you the best she can. Now you were a famous magician also called the " The Healer" and that's how you actually met Doctor Strange. He came to you on the advice of Mordo and the Ancient One and you gradually became friends. You have the heart of a doctor and Stephen could talk about whatever he wanted, you were never going to judge him. he trusted you and that's was a rare privilege for someone as the Sorcerer Supreme. You were turning into the corridor when someone suddenly bumped into you. You fell down, your books scattered around you and the warm liquid tea splatting on your clothes. You rose your head to be met by a pair of sky-blue eyes which were slightly dilated. His cloak was landing gracefully around him and his staccato breath touching your bare skin. You noticed how close you were and you blushed a little.

" Oh God! I'm so sorry Y/N!'' Stephen said, picking up carefully your books and kept on apologizing.

You were silent, pondering in your mind about what you were going to do to him. Prank him? Maybe. You were drawn out of your daydream when you both heard Wong yelled furiously the name of Stephen. Latter paled and quickly put the books in your arms saying " I gotta go! " and ran towards a way out. You sighed and walked towards the library when this time you bumped or rather bounced into Wong. You groaned in frustration when your books few around you in the shape of paper wings. Wong mumbled some apologies before running out of your sight, purchasing Stephen for God knows what. When you finally arrived at the library, you put down your books, signed the forms and got back your room in order to change yourself....again. Once it was done, you walked to the living room to prepare another cup of tea. You boiled the kettle, picked the tea you wanted and let it infused for a while. The moment you took a quick sip of your darling tea, you sensed the atmosphere changed. The characteristics of your powers in the mystic arts was the ability to sense injuries which were physical or mental. You lips stretched into a smirk and said:

" I know you 're here Stephen. Come and join me for tea, please.

The magician, who was leaning against the door behind you, shook his head, smiling, still amazed by your abilities and gladly joined you. He sat down in front of you and grinned at you. You put towards him a cup of tea and you drank in silence for a while until you asked:

" What did you do this time?"

He smirked at you and said

" I may or may not have changed his ringtone phone into a song of Beyoncé. And he didn't quite like it."

You sighed, shaking your head in disbelief.

" Seriously Stephen , how old are you?

He took another sip.

" I'm not going to tell you, Y/N"

You chuckled and said in a serious tone:

" However, you ruined my clothes, Stephen. I had to change for the second time of the day!"

" I'm deeply sorry for that. I'll make it up to you."

" And how are you going to do that, Stephen"

His pale blue eyes locked with yours while his voice slowly muttered:

" It's a secret"

You rose to your feet, still angry at him.

'' You do know I was bumped into by you and then by Wong. "

" Well, I didn't know Wong had crossed you too. are you okay?"

You nodded and kept on :

" Come on guys, at least be careful, you are not alone. What if you had bumped into Mordo or the Ancient One? I don't think they would of react as I did and..."

You didn't notice Doctor Strange rose to his feet and approached you. You were trying to make his understand to be careful with wide signs and he just smiled at you. It got on your nerves and said:

" Why are are you smiling like an idiot?"

His eyebrow rose at you and he just kept smiling, enjoying pissing you off. You continued your speech, presenting different reasons until a pair of warm lips stopped you. He pulled you closer to him when his hands landed your hips. His lips connected to yours and you froze for a second. You soon melted into the kiss and passed your hands around his neck, slowly stroking his scalp. He moaned at the sensation and you hold him tighter. The kiss was slow, gentle and yet full of passion. It was his way of expressing his feelings for you and you kind of like his way. You broke apart when you both needed some air and he said in a hoarse voice, his breath caressing your neck:

" At least, that got you to stop talking"

You were about to respond that you didn't mind to be stopped like that when Wong suddenly burst into the room, furious.

" Here you are Strange! "

You could almost see smoke getting out of the ears of the Asian magician and you squeezed Stephen tighter against you. He released you from his warm embrace and quickly pecked your lips saying in your ear " See you tonight" and ran out for his life, a rage Wong on his tail. You chuckled at the sight while they disappeared in the endless corridors of Kamar-Taj, Wong yelling threats towards Strange.

A/N: So guys, what did yu think about it?

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