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"How do we get this 'Jungkook' to talk to us? Do you have any way to contact him?" Seokjin asked, pacing back amd forth in an attempt to distract himself from the bigger picture.

"No. I just know that he goes to A University but that's about it."

"A University? That's probably one of the best out there." Jimin whispered in amazement.

"Namjoon, didn't you go there?" Seokjin turned to face his friend who nodded.

"Yeah but only for a bit. Remember I transferred to Australia for a while afterwards? Anyway, that's besides the point. If this guy goes there, this could mean he has the money, or he's in there for a specific scholarship, obviously." Namjoon paused before continuing. "Which is bad for us either way."

Jimin balled his fists in front of his mouth, resting his elbows on his knees, his typical thinking position when he was sitting. "I think I get you. If he has the money, his family is influential. If he's on a scholorship, holding a secret in like Taehyung's is like a death wish to his academic future."

Taehyung covered his face with his hands for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. He couldn't get out of his mind that he was making everyone go through so much trouble because of him. He couldn't let it go at all.

"So if his parents are influential..." Seokjin started.

"This 'Jungkook' would be more than responsible to report our situation. He would do it without a doubt." Namjoon said, pulling out a small chip sized device and plugging it in into a slim hole into a bare living room wall.

As he did so, the lights dimmed as a courtesy of Seokjin getting up and lowering them.

"We're lucky I had this in one of my office drawers. Jimin, can you double check we're blocked? We need to make sure before I start it up." Namjoon asked, and Jimin went off to do as he was told.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Taehyung asked in a small voice. He felt like everyone else was doing all the work, and he was the dead weight they were all carrying.

Seokjin and Namjoon shared a look, the younger of the two giving the elder a light nod, turning to Jimin who confirmed there was no way anyone would be able to listen in on them, or get into any of their technological appliances.

"Taehyung, you're doing more than enough by providing us details. If we need more from you, we'll be sure to let you know, okay?" Seokjin tried to comfort. Taehyung couldn't lie, it was working, but he still felt deep down that he should be the one doing most of the work, not his friends. Not his family.

Namjoon tapped on the buttons that appeared on the wall, inputting the password it required. As soon as he had, the majority of the wall turned blue (the part that worked as their screen) and Namjoon began tapping away, explaining what he was doing as he did it.

"First off, we need to get Taehyung out of here without drawing attention. I have a friend in town who I know wouldn't mind letting Taehyung stay without asking any questions. We'll keep him there, let's say, maybe five days while I arrange getting him a fake passport. Let's see if we can get more on Jungkook." Namjoon said as he closed up a website about personal information fraud that he saved quickly. He then opened a new page that talked about being able to track certain people with simple information.

"Do we really need to spy on the kid's information?" Jimin asked in a voice that rivaled that of a mouse.

"We need everything we can get to be safe from this whole thing. To know what to expect, and what sort of actions are possible for us to carry out." He explained as he came up with different reports of a few people. "We're looking for a Jeon in A University. This shouldn't be too hard." Namjoon muttered to himself as he continued to swipe his hands around the wall-like screen.

Taehyung swallowed a lump in his throat as Jungkook's profile popped up, taking up the whole wall. Namjoon turned around, looking for assurance in the younger man that this was the guy they were looking for. 

It was almost shocking, how Taehyung was so close to saying no. How close he was to saying that the surname was actually different. He didn't want the younger getting hurt. They've only met twice for goodness sake, and here he was, planning his demise. 

It was also at this moment that Taehyung was regretting everything. Regretting telling Jungkook about everything. Heck, he was starting to regret even talking to him that first night. If Taehyung was just normal, then this innocent guy, a funny and seemingly understanding one too, wouldn't be getting hurt.

However, that wasn't the circumstance they were in.

"That's him"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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