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"Hey Jungkook, you wanna head over to my house?" Taehyung asked, when they were a half-hour into their coversation.

"Um, no? I barely know you?" Jungkook said, eyeing him skeptically. Taehyung threw his head back with a loud groan.

"C'mon! You know everything in my profile, basically. Plus, I have no criminal record whatsoever so you can trust me. Go on, check!" Taehyung said, leaning back on his chair. Jungkook only shook his head at this.

"Just because you may not have one now, doesn't mean that you weren't waiting for the right victim to pass by. Maybe you wanted to start off your criminal record by killing me or something." Jungkook countered. Taehyung covered his face in his hands, rubbing like a parent would at a child who wasn't listening.

Suddenly he jerked up, a happy smile decorating his face. "Let me rephrase that. Are you free for the rest of the day?"

"Are you asking me out on a date? I've told you before countless times, I'm straight." Jungkook said, before Taehyung burst out laughing, catching the attention of many people in the restaurant.

"People are staring, be quiet." Jungkook warned, trying to calm Taehyung down. But he went on, laughing. Everytime he had thought the older had finally collected himself, he would just start all over again. Taehyung would try to talk, but his words would come out slurred from laughing so much, causing him to laugh even more.

Jungkook apologized to the people staring and grabbed Taehyung's arm, leading him outside.

When they were outside, Taehyung had managed to stop, breathing a little harder to catch his breath.

"Oh my god, that was funny." He finally said. Jungkook glared at him, as he said that.

"What was that about? What was so funny?" He asked. Taehyung smiled as he pointed at the younger.

"You were." He said, beginning to walk off. Jungkook was shocked for a second, trying to understand what he meant, but he came to no conclusion. Jungkook jogged to catch up with Taehyung, who didn't slow his pace, even when Jungkook had called out to him.

"What do you mean I was funny? I didn't say anything that was worth laughing that much." Jungkook said once he had managed to reach Taehyung's side.

"You did. You asked me if I was asking you out on a date. Why would I ask you? You are straight after all. Besides, after talking to you more, you have more of that brother-ish feeling y'know? You really aren't my type." Taehyung said. Junkook stared in disbelief as Taehyung only offered his smile.

"Why'd you invite me to your house then?" Jungkook questioned.

"Geez, can a gay man not ask another man to hang out at their place just to hang out in this day and era without seeming being accused of having ulterior motives? What a messed up world." Taehyung sighed dramatically, holding the back of his hand up to his forehead in mock distress.

"Wait, that's why you laughed? It wasn't even worth laughing that much." Jungkook pointed out. Taehyung pat Jungkook's back.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have laughed that much but I did. I would've stopped sooner if you hadn't looked so panicked. That on it's own was funny. Oh, and when you looked so embarrassed when apologizing," Taehyung kissed the tip of his fingers as you would when eating a tasty meal, "was pure gold."

Jungkook opened his mouth to insult Taehyung when the older suddenly stopped.

"We're here!" He shouted, raising his arms into the sky.

"Taehyung, people are staring again. Please stop." Jungkook whispered. He shifted his attention to what Taehyung was looking at before raising a brow.

"You live in an arcade?"

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